Wednesday, 19 December 2018

T'was the Night Before Christmas, a Modern Tale

This poem was my entry for a competition in 2016, where you had to modernise the poem T'was the Night Before Christmas. I didn't win, so maybe it's terrible, but it took me ages, so I thought I would republish it this year, as a reminder that there are a lot of people going without this Christmas. I thought it would be good to highlight the fact that sometimes we don't see what is right in front of us and anyone can be struggling in one way or another. So, if you get an opportunity to help someone out, or make them smile this Christmas, have a go, it might make you smile too! 

Thursday, 28 September 2017

This Tear, Here; A Poem for Lynn on World Poetry Day

A sun flare and bubbles in a bright blue skyAccording to Twitter, it's World Poetry Day today. I thought that was in March, so it might be National Poetry Day, but nothing like a bad cold to make you forget what day it is, never mind anything else! Anyway, I really thought I would have to skip it this year, but, if I'm quick, I can still just about make it. I had absolutely nothing planned, and I wasn't sure I had any ideas at all, so I just sat down and wrote. Something appeared, but I warn you, this is not my usual tidy rows of rhyming couplets, it's more, what is affectionately known as, a 'mind dump'. It's still a style, though, of sorts, and it was important to me that it was raw and largely unedited, so I hope that's ok. 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Celebrating World Poetry Day with Viking

The lovely people at Viking asked some bloggers if they would like to have a crack at writing something for World Poetry Day. I love an excuse to write and this was no exception, so I hastily agreed. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about until Viking kindly sent us some lovely gifts, to inspire us. The box included a beautiful quill pen, some writing paper and little canvas on an easel. The canvas was so cute and it gave me an idea, which inspired me to write the following poem. I hope you like it and a big thank you to Viking for the inspiration. 


Monday, 13 February 2017

Free Valentines Verses to Use as You Wish

A close up of a red rose, with a background of gypsophillia
For Valentine's Day this year, I thought I would have a little fun, and maybe help out a few potential suitors at the same time. Suitors? Really?! Is that the best you can come up with, online thesaurus? Oh well, I suppose it's better than 'swain' or 'beau'. Anyway, I've been busy writing some valentine's verses, which can be written in cards, or even put in a text, if you're not that romantic. You are welcome to take them away and make them your own, and no one need ever know you didn't write them. I have to warn you though, most of them are pretty silly, because I am not so good at the romantic stuff!

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Things I Missed on Holiday; A Camp Fire Song

Cmp Washing Up Drying in the Sun We had a lovely time camping, but I did miss one or two little luxuries. You know, like running water that didn't taste of hosepipe and cold drinks on demand. The only thing cold was my feet at night! For #Prose4Thought this week, I've written a camping-inspired poem and tried to include all the things I thought abut while I was away. To get the full effect, you have to read it to the tune of 'My Favourite Things' from The Sound of Music. Extra points for singing out loud. 

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Chasing Seasons; A Poem about Time

Sunset behind Reeds with Title Overlaid
Stop, slow down! But life goes on.
Too fast! A current, raging strong.
Trying to cling to each new scene,
A crumbling rock in a rushing stream

Caught up in life's absorbing whirl,
Marvelling at each new vibrant swirl,
We're swept away, each holding on,
Regardless, always, life goes on.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

What Do You Want for Your Children? - A Poetry Wave

A duck and her ducklings on a river bankI had an idea for a poem and as I started writing, I realised it was going to be really difficult to finish. The subject, originally, was 'What I Want for My Children', and it was meant to be a little poem about all those things we wish for our children as they grow and make their own way in the world. It got me thinking, though, that there are probably a hundred different wishes we would make for our children, which gave me an idea. It would be really interesting to hear different people's ideas for their children's future. Please add a verse in the comments, if you would like to. 

Monday, 30 May 2016

Moving On

What’s wrong, Mum?
I’m losing you, darling.
You’re growing up, moving on.

You’re beautiful, intelligent,
Your whole life before you,
But you’re not mine anymore

You don't need a hand to hold, 
Or anyone to tell you you're ok,
You just know.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Insomnia in Rhyme; A Collaboration!

Boy in Field, with title overlaidIf you have ever heard the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker, you may recognise the tale I'm about to tell you. It begins like this; I like to write the occasional silly poem, just for fun and post them on the blog, so one day someone might read one and it might make them smile. I'd had an idea a while ago, but had never finishied it. I thought I probably should, in the interests of tidying up, so opened it on the laptop, and wandered off to put the kettle on. When I came back, my poem, which I had struggled with for quite some time, was finished. Not quite by elves, but by L, who is ten. I thought it was so great, I kept it exactly as it was. I hope you like it too.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Dear Mr Nobody

Toilet roll with writing on it. Dear Mr Nobody, you might think you're being sly,
Hiding in the shadows, like a secret service spy,
But let me tell you something, I know your little game,
Whenever there's a mishap, you're the one to blame.

The lid is off the jam again, there's a sticky cupboard door,
And, somewhat inexplicably, Rice Krispies on the floor.
In the bathroom is an empty space where the toilet roll should be,
Towels are screwed up on the floor and I know it wasn't me.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Not a Valentine's Poem

Graphic of Heart with title 'Not a Valentine's Poem', and cupid firing at broken hearts

This is a bit bonkers, but I didn't do a Prose for Thought poem last week, so thought I'd better make the effort this week, as it's Valentine's Day on Sunday. I'm really not very romantic, though, and that got me thinking... I've really never been very romantic, so I dug out this silly rhyme I wrote 20 years ago, when I was a teenager, I've had to change it a bit, as it had got a bit dated, but the rest is exactly as I wrote and I thought it was quite funny, coming from a 17 year old! 


Thursday, 14 January 2016

Curiousity A-loft

I don't do ladders, or dark dingy spaces,
I don't like spiders, my heart just races,
I've tried, I have, but I just can't face it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 

I would love to visit and maybe clean it,  
It's ridiculous to think I've never seen it, 
I threaten to sometimes, but don't really mean it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 


Thursday, 7 January 2016

My Mobile Phone Disaster: A True Story!

Toddler and Pudsey Bear For Prose for Thought this week, there follows a true story about how I broke my mobile phone. The moral of the story is; answering your phone at inappropriate times might not be wise, but saying 'I told you so' is never a good idea!

I dropped my phone, which wasn't bright, 
Now I dream of a new one day and night, 
One with a screen without a crack, 
No ugly scratches or dents in the back.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Remembering Jack for National Poetry Day 2015

Family photo under a tree
I originally wrote this almost exactly three years ago, although it really doesn't seem that long. It was something I did to reach out to a friend during an incredibly difficult time. It was meant to let her know I was thinking of her and I cared, but it ended up doing so much more, but that's another story. It is the poem I will always be most proud of, because I wrote it from everything I was thinking at the time. I didn't edit or mess about with it, I just wrote it from the heart. It is the most genuine poem I've ever written. I hope you like it and forgive me this little indulgence.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Wash Day Blues

I do like a challenge, that much is true,
So, as soon as the washing cycle is through
I rush out to the garden with hope in my eyes,
And only once do I pause to look up at the skies.

There's a certain injustice, as I try to be green,
Save money and energy, whilst keeping things clean,
But it could rain for a day, or perhaps just an hour,
there's no way of knowing when's the next shower.

Friday, 24 July 2015

A Train Poem that Parents Might Relate To!

Happy boy with train cake. A little boy obsessed with trains,
Knows all the types and all their names,
Every buffer, piston, funnel,
Every chuffer, sleeper, tunnel.

Excitement builds as the big day dawns,
Expectant face and stifled yawns,
No bus for us, it’s the train today,
A rare treat to start our holiday,


Thursday, 7 May 2015

Ode to Too Much Junk Mail!

Close Up of Letter BoxStop shoving stuff through my door,
It’s really becoming a bore,
All kinds of media tat,
Arrives on my mat
And I really can’t take anymore!

Every day with a sure certainty,
There arrives, more or less, half a tree,
Of leaflets and bumf,
Political gumf,
And an advert for podiatry.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Unconditional Love

Little Girl Skipping through a forest

I like it when you cuddle me and when you hold my hand, 

I don’t like it when you’re cross with me, cos I don’t understand.

I try to listen carefully to everything you say,

But sometimes there are lots of words and I start to lose my way!


Monday, 14 October 2013

Ode to Someone Special

White Roses Just because I wasn't there,
It doesn't mean I didn't care.
In thought, in memory, every day,
As if you never went away.

I may have seemed distracted some,
A worker, friend, a person, mum,
With lots to do, deadlines meeting,
 Our precious moments, all so fleeting.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Remembering Jack; A Little Man's Legacy

A lot of people seem to have opinions on online friendships. Some think that it's silly and you can't really know someone without meeting them. You can't even be sure they are who they say they are. Which is true. However... some people really see the benefit of 'meeting up' with online friends to chat and just pass the time of day. There are lots of reasons why people turn to the internet for company. It could be due to illness or disability, maybe someone has lost confidence and doesn't like to socialise in pubs, etc, on their own. Or it could be a mother or father of small children who wants to talk about something other than Peppa Pig! Whatever the reason, many people are finding their place in online communities through shared interests and groups. And it can be a really positive thing. 
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