Monday, 30 May 2016

Moving On

What’s wrong, Mum?
I’m losing you, darling.
You’re growing up, moving on.

You’re beautiful, intelligent,
Your whole life before you,
But you’re not mine anymore

You don't need a hand to hold, 
Or anyone to tell you you're ok,
You just know.

Where you once sought reassurance,
You stride confidently forward,
And I watch in awe.

With everything you’ve achieved,
You’ve earned your place in the world,
To make it yours. 

I swallow a moment of heartache, 
A hark back to bunches and swings, 
And I pause. 

What's wrong, Mum? 
Oh nothing, darling. 
I'm so proud of you, you know.

Click to read my last poem Insomnia in Rhyme


  1. A beautiful poem, you are so creative Lucy! I am in the same situation as you and it nearly broke my heart when my son went to uni, but it's surprising how easy you adjust. Sending hugs xxx

  2. Awww. It's beautiful - although I really can't imagine the day when I have to admit my boys are too grown up to be mine, I think I might always think of them as mine, forever. :)

  3. Parenting just gets hard as they grow up... mine is nearly officially an adult, and I'm struggling! Lovely poem x

  4. So beautiful, very moving and true! But they have got where they are from all the hand holding that came before, your love has given them that confidence x

  5. Aww beautiful words, I'm not quite at that stage yet but I will be sad when I get there #prose4t

  6. Fab. Thanks for this. They're always growing and changing, but I hope they'll always know they can count on me.

  7. Oh My! I love this! My daughter is 8 this year and I watch her with wonder and pride, knowing one day she'll be able to get by without me but still holding on. Great poem

  8. I am not really looking forward to this time when it arrives but I know I am going to have to accept it. This is superbly written. Thank you for linking to Prose for Thought x


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