Tuesday, 3 July 2018

What is the Best Age to Start a Family

What is the Best Age to Start a Family - Newborn being bottle fed.
Having children is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make and many thoughts will cross your mind as you consider your options for starting a family. Maybe you've always known how many children you would like and what age you hope to be, or perhaps life has made that decision for you. Either way, there is always a lot of debate and advice about the best age to have children, with really no right or wrong answers. I have got together with some brilliant parent bloggers to give you the low down on the best bits of parenthood, at different ages and life stages to help you get some perspective on what to expect when the time comes.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Giving Up Smoking - One Year Later

Giving Up Smoking - Man masked by a cloud of smokeThere follows a guest post update on my husband's new smoke-free life, after successfully giving up a year ago. Due, in no small part, to the amazing book Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, it took an enormous amount of determination and self-belief to give up completely and the effect on the family has been quite profound. Not especially dramatic, but lots of little improvements in every aspect of our lives. I no longer sit alone in restaurants, I don't have to avoid hanging the washing near where he smokes, we are better off financially and our son doesn't have a feeling of dread every time those awful anti-smoking ads come on the TV, to name a few. That's enough from me, though, this is his story, in his own words. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Living With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. A Guest Post by Chloe

A woman holding a baby with title text overlaidIn our occasional series, Hidden Illnesses, we invite guests to talk about the illnesses that effect them, particularly those that aren't obvious on the outside. We hope to help sufferers and their families learn about the conditions and what they can do to help. Today, Chloe, from Life Unexpected, talks about the little known condition Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and how it has affected her life. Life Unexpected is a family lifestyle blog that follows a millennial mum. With posts about world travel, life with a toddler, general parenting and life as a working mum. 


Wednesday, 9 November 2016

A Guest Post on Tantrums, by Tracey from One Frazzled Mum

When your children get older, like mine have, it's easy to get wrapped up in the new challenges life brings and forget how tricky things could be when little ones roamed the household. Sometimes I think we need a little reminder that the grass isn't always greener and, ok, toddlers don't answer back, or hog the remote, or argue with you about the benefits of having their own Youtube channel, but not being able to formulate an argument brings its own problems. As documented by Tracey, who is guest posting today, from One Frazzled Mum. You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Weighing Children in School; A Guest Post

I recently wrote about the National Child Measurement Programme and why I would not allow my son to take part. I received a lot of interest in the post and one of the main comments I received was that people did not realise their children didn't have to take part, or they are unaware that weighing children in school happened at all. This scheme happens in all state-run schools, every year (I'm not sure about Private Schools), but you have every right to opt out. The weigh-in takes place during Reception year and again in Year 6. If you don't receive a form to sign to opt out, inform your school in writing if you would prefer your children to be excluded. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Concentrix - What Now? An Update and Thank You!

White fireworks in the sky. After all the excitement of Lynn's appearance on The Victoria Derbyshire show yesterday, great news has been announced with the decision not to renew Concentrix's current contract. After all the support that Lynn has received from readers of this blog, we would both like to thank everyone for all the signatures on the petition and the tweets and comments that helped with this very important cause. A lot of people have been asking about the next steps, as it doesn't end here. Lynn, and many people like her, are still without essential funds and there is a bigger fight to be won.


Friday, 9 September 2016

Dear Mr Thompson #ConcentrixFamilyPoverty

A Guest Post by Lynn.
I have hosted a guest post before on the realities faced by individuals who are dealing with our broken and inefficient benefits system. There are so many stories in the press. Many, highlighting the poverty and distress that the cuts, austerity and mistakes have caused. There are some pretty horrifying statistics out there. Including people taking their own lives through the stress and fear that these departments cause. Once again, I have witnessed first hand the catastrophic affects these decisions, made in an office somewhere, usually based on a series of ticks on a list, are continuing to have on people I care about.


Thursday, 5 May 2016

Insomnia in Rhyme; A Collaboration!

Boy in Field, with title overlaidIf you have ever heard the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker, you may recognise the tale I'm about to tell you. It begins like this; I like to write the occasional silly poem, just for fun and post them on the blog, so one day someone might read one and it might make them smile. I'd had an idea a while ago, but had never finishied it. I thought I probably should, in the interests of tidying up, so opened it on the laptop, and wandered off to put the kettle on. When I came back, my poem, which I had struggled with for quite some time, was finished. Not quite by elves, but by L, who is ten. I thought it was so great, I kept it exactly as it was. I hope you like it too.

Monday, 4 April 2016

The Run In. A Football Guest Post by Phil

As the football season draws to a close, fans are starting to get nervous about their teams. Will they make the top 4 and get into Europe? Will they escape relegation? Either way it's going to be close and the burning question that the whole footballing nation wants to know is; can anyone catch Leicester City and how many doughnuts will be in it if they do? Leicester have made a lot of friends this season and gained a lot of admiration, rightly so I believe. They don't have a team of global superstars, yet they work their socks off and have produced some stunning results. 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Poorly Children Vs School Rules

Sleeping Child
I am now entering my second week of Swine Flu and I think it might finally be starting to improve. It's a pretty horrible virus and I will be glad to see the back of it. Thankfully, lovely blogger Clare, from Emmy's Mummy has stepped in with some ramblings for you, so you dont get bored while I languish in bed, eating sweets and complaining. I'm feeling pretty honoured, actually, as Clare is a Super-Blogger *insert appropriate fanfare noise* and, amongst many other impressive stats, features at #79 in the Tots 100 Parenting Blogger charts; "Ooh, get you!" Over to you, Clare and thanks for helping out!


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The Reality of Government Disability Cuts - A Guest Post

Silhouetted Lady, from BehindA note from me: I don't claim ESA. I would probably qualify, in real terms, if I applied, but the degradation and stress I have seen other people go through has left me too nervous to even try. What if they 'catch me out' and I get into trouble? The forms are very clear, if you give 'false information', you can be prosecuted. As with all disabilities and health problems, you can have the occasional good day, and I want to make the most of those, not be looking over my shoulder, in case I look too well. What if I 'fail' the extensive and humiliating tests? How would I cope with being told I'm a fake? I tell people I don't claim, because I want to work, which is true. I would rather be achieving something, making a difference, rather than being stuck at home by myself all the time. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Creating Storage from Scraps. Guest Post

Homemade shelf with title overlaid

A Guest Post by The Husband

I've always held the theory that my generation, I'll be 50 this year, was the last generation to be brought up by Victorians. My grandparents were born in 1905, therefore my mother to this day lives by Victorian values. I spoke when I was spoken to, was downstairs ready for breakfast, after making my bed, at 7 o'clock and that was when I was seven years old. I grew up respecting my elders, didn't even know what a swear word was and I didn't say; 'Thank you', I said; 'Thank you very much'.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

10 Tips on Teenage Boys; A Guest Post by Mandi

This guest post is brought to you by Mandi, from Hex Mum Blog who has a wealth of experience in the parenting stakes. She is the perfect candidate to give me, and perhaps some other parents of young boys, a bit of a heads-up on what to expect in the not too distant future! As much as it would be lovely if they stayed cute and cuddly forever, there is a strong possibility that may not be the case, so get prepared with Mandi's musings on the teenage species. If you enjoy her brilliant observations, I'm sure she would be thrilled if you popped over to her blog, or gave her a wave on Twitter.


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why My Heart Belongs to Darts; A Guest Post by Phil

Darts with Title OverlaidEric Bristow, John Lowe, Keith Deller, Peter Evison, Mike Gregory and Steve Beaton. Some of the players I've met through my first love, darts. I haven't played them all, but I've certainly had some great laughs with them! I have seen some highs, like John Lowe hitting the first televised 9 dart finish. Ive seen some lows, like Andy Fordham leaving the Lakeside stage on a stretcher, because he collapsed due to his heart not being able to take the strain of his weight any more. Either way darts have been a huge part of my life for over forty years now.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Is Christmas Too Commercialised?

A Guest Post by the Husband

My favourite Christmas song without question is Wizzard's I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day, because I love to hear the part where the children are singing. My all-time favourite song, which nobody will have heard of, is Snowbound by Genesis because it tells the story of when the snow arrives and all the children build their snowmen. It may sound corny but to me life is all about watching and hearing children play.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Wear Yellow for Microcephaly Awareness Day on 30th September!!

Our Hidden Illness series continues, with this post from Sarah.

Tomorrow will be a very special day for me and my family. The 30th of September is Microcephaly Awareness Day. "What's Microcephaly?" I hear you say. Well Microcephaly is a neurological disorder that means the circumference of the head is smaller than it normally should be because the brain has not developed properly or has slowed or even halted growth. Micro means small and cephaly means head. Microcephaly affects 2-2.5% of the population, which actually makes it more common than Autism!

Living with ME - A Guest Post by Catherine

Today in our occasional series Hidden Illnesses, Catherine has joined us, to talk about ME which is a long-term (chronic), fluctuating, neurological condition that causes symptoms affecting many body systems, more commonly the nervous and immune systems. ME affects an estimated 250,000 people in the UK, and around 17 million people worldwide, but many people know little about it. The message, as always is; just because you can't see it, that doesn't mean it isn't causing massive problems for the sufferer. Read on to find out more and perhaps help someone you know with this horrible condition. 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

The Importance of Time

A Guest Post by Phil

I always feel sad when I hear people say they didn't have a happy childhood. I had a fantastic childhood, with so many memories of the fun I had, I really could write a novel. Those memories have shaped the way I have become a person and brought my children up. I thought I would share some of my theories.  I have always firmly believed that people my age, I'm nearly 50, were the last generation to be brought up as Victorians. My grandparents were born in 1905 and my parents were brought up with those values, which passed down to me. I am extremely old fashioned. I was brought up with the values that you stood up to let a lady have your seat.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Bristol Bits: Help Our Homeless this Winter

This is a subject that is very close to my heart. I have often contemplated doing something about the appalling plight of the homeless in Bristol. I love Bristol, I write about it often and I appreciate everything that is great about our city. Then it starts to get cold. The atmosphere changes and the homeless become more visible somehow. Don't get me wrong, I am always aware of them being there, but when it's cold, I can't help thinking, how close we all are to being where they are. It really doesn't take a lot. One life event can change your whole life. Last Christmas, two young people really caught my eye. 


Monday, 10 August 2015

Location Hunting; Richard Briers and Midsomer Murders

A Guest Post by The Husband... 

War Games, Stamp Collecting, Blogging, even Pole Dancing, most people have a passion in life and I'm no different. Mine is reading and researching. When I take an interest in something or someone, I like to find all the facts I can. My head is full of little pieces of knowledge that nobody else cares about, but they all matter to me. I know I drive my wife mad at times, when I recite an episode of Only Fools and Horses, word for word, or rattle off Dean Martin's life story but she does nod occasionally and humour me, bless her.
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