Tuesday, 27 February 2018
30 Last Minute Easy World Book Day Ideas for Boys

25 Last Minute World Book Day Ideas for Girls
If, like, me, you are prone to leaving things to the last minute, or, you just don't have a lot of spare time, you might be in search of easy, quick, World Book day costume ideas. Here are the easiest costumes I could think of for girls, hopefully using items you will already have at home. You may not be able to do all of them, the idea is to pick one that suits what you have in your house. If they don't know the book, then start reading, quick! It's a great opportunity to learn something new, and all the books I chose are either children's classics or from the top 100 children's book list. The costumes are meant to be easy, not perfect, but they should get you out of trouble!
Monday, 26 February 2018
Saturday, 24 February 2018
Friday, 23 February 2018
What's in My Make Up Bag

Thanks to Lauren from Scrapbook Lives for tagging me in her post, asking what's in my make up bag. I was really keen to take part, since I've only recently started wearing make up more often. I used to only wear it for evenings out, but since hitting 30ish, plus VAT, I am finding I resemble the unfortunate victim of a Miss Marple episode, if I don't make at least a bit of an effort. So this post features the products I love enough to give them their own bag. In most cases, it's because they are great products, but there's at least one that I only keep in there for the name. Welcome to the shallow world of my make up bag!
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Flooring Options for a Family Home

I have a dilemma. We really need to update our home interior, which includes replacing our downstairs carpet, but we can't decide what with, and it's getting more and more threadbare by the day. I would love to try wood flooring, as I am fed up with trying to keep the thoroughfare between the kitchen and the dining table clean, but the husband isn't keen. I wondered if other people have this issue too, so thought I would set out the pros and cons of different flooring types, to try to help me decide, and maybe help out anyone else who's undecided too. So here it is, my guide to modern flooring for a family home and what I like about them all!
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
An Easy Cupcake Recipe that Saved the Day
Who would have thought an innocent cake could cause so much trouble? It all started when The Husband innocently suggested he would make a cake to take into work, like he has done many times before. Except he forgot that this day was stock take, which involves 25 people, more than twice the usual cake-consumers. One cake was never going to be enough. What he didn't realise was, when you increase the volume of cake, the potential for disaster increases too. Here's what happened next, and how a decent fool-proof cupcake recipe can always put things right. Save this one for when you need your cakes to turn out right the first time!
Quick & Easy,
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Friday, 16 February 2018
Is Autism Even Real?

Hidden Illnesses,
School & SEN,
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Monday, 12 February 2018
No School Attendance Policy will Prevent Childhood Illness

School absence is a subject that comes up a lot these days. It's a society-wide issue, for many reasons and is often a subject of media scrutiny. It can be to blame for everything from criminal activity to unemployment statistics and, whilst I am not denying it's an issue, I'm really starting to think Ofsted have got it a bit wrong. To be clear, I fully support the need for children to be in school, but there are always going to be issues that cause a child to be absent, such as illness, and this is partly what I want to focus on. I realise holidays in term time are another issue, but that is a big enough issue for a whole new post!
School & SEN,
Thursday, 8 February 2018
House Cleaning: Budget Tricks and Short Cuts!

Money Saving,
Monday, 5 February 2018
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