Thursday, 27 March 2014

A Secret Agent Saves the Day!

Weeks of anticipation, mounting excitement and endless playground chatter and it was finally here! Saturday night was long and relatively sleepless. Excitement crescendoed long after bedtime had normally passed and continued unabated until reluctant sleep finally arrived. Not sure who went first, if I'm honest! Sunday morning began inconsiderately early with the question; "How long is it til 2pm?". Errr... about eight hours, son! You know, as in a whole normal person's day?! Someone who is not expected to get up at ridiculous-o'clock on a Sunday, just because the most exciting party ever is occuring that day! I was feeling pretty pleased with myself by 9 o'clock. Cakes baked, and preparations in full swing. Then I got an email.... 

Friday, 21 March 2014

How to Make a Lego Cake

For my son's birthday, he wanted a Lego cake, because he is 8 and that is what 8 year olds like, apparently. There were definite advantages to this cake, in that it needed to be square, which took a lot of the hard work out of the design. I was also very lucky, because I managed to borrow a little brick mould for the fondant decorations, but I thought I would show you how I made the little Lego men. The cake is far from perfect, as I was struggling with my back at the time, but I imagine if you had more time, you could probably do a better job! The method for creating the figures was actually quite easy, as you will see.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What Kids Learn on Holiday

Child building a sandcastle on the beach.  This is a tricky post for me to write, as it's been a long time since we've been able to afford a 'proper' holiday. We are very lucky though, as we live in a lovely part of the world, with easy access to other lovely parts of the world. Wales to the West, The Cotswolds to the North East, the Forest of Dean to the North West, Somerset to the South and in the South West is Weston super Mare and the South West coastline. So, for the last few years we have mastered the 'stay-cation', and had lots of lovely picnicky daytrips instead. That's not to say I wouldn't love a holiday somewhere different, away from our every day home life, but what's the point in wasting time thinking about what you don't have?

Sunday Photo; Messing About with Perspective

A giant tennis ball and tiny frying pan

Secret Agent Surprise for a Birthday Boy!

My son is eight on Tuesday! How quick the time goes. It's scary to think he's my last little one. I don't think it matters how many children you have, every milestone matters. This was no exception, but I have to say, I really struggle with little boys birthday parties! There's all that 'keeping up with the Jones's' stuff to contend with. I know we shouldn't care, but it's always hard to feel that you don't quite measure up in the Fab Parent Playground Xfactor. It's not really about the cost, I don't think. I've hosted every kind of party imaginable in my eighteen years in the parent game (see what I did there?!).


Saturday, 15 March 2014

Quiz Night Success!

I am really pleased to report that our very first Quiz Night was a roaring success! We raised £105 in two hours and everyone that commented said it was great fun! There were initially a few tweakings going on, as the format was untested, but over all it seemed to work really well and I was so pleased with the positive responses we received.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Make a Peg Bag from Baby Clothes

A homemade peg bag hanging on the line I originally came up with this idea when my son was a baby. I'm not claiming credit for it, there are probably other versions out there, but it all started, when I realised he would be my last baby. And my
only boy. So, I was kind of sad about throwing out his little tiny baby clothes. There was one item in particular that I was not keen to cast out, and crammed him into it for as long as I could, and that was his very first football shirt! I wanted to hang on to it, but I didn't want it to languish in a box in the loft. So I needed something practical to turn it into, so it could be used and enjoyed! This pegbag is so easy to make, and every household needs one.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Charity Quiz Night for Addenbrooke's Hospital!

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! ! I t ' s  Q u I z  N i G h T ! !

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