Thursday, 2 April 2020

Home Beauty Treatments and Remedies - Tried and Tested

Pile of assorted lemons, one sliced, four whole, with text above the image.
All the beauty treatments included in this post can be made using ingredients you probably already have in the cupboard and I've tried most of them, so I know they work. Beauty treatments are a great way to relax and enjoy some me-time and that's something we could all benefit from at the moment. I've also included some remedies for common skin complaints, which could be really handy since it's hard to shop for beauty supplies right now. There is no reason not to look your best, even if you can't go out, it might be just what you need to lift your spirits and you could even rope in other family members to join you in some of the treatments too. 


Monday, 21 January 2019

Growing Old Gratefully - The Anti-Ageing Debate

A woman with long blond hair pictured from behind wearing a cream cardiganThere have been a few social media 'challenges' recently. The 10 Year Challenge, The Puberty Challenge and The Ageing Challenge. The first is fairly self-explanatory; you post a picture of yourself now and a picture of yourself ten years ago, to see how much you've changed. In the second, you post a photo of yourself now and one from your youth, to illustrate what puberty can do in terms of features, mood and fashion sense. The third is particularly brutal; you post your first ever social media pic, and your most recent, to see how much you've aged.  These are all variations on a theme and have been interpreted very differently by those taking part.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Taking Care of Winter Skin

It feels a bit strange writing this while the sun is shining and the temperature is 21C, but it is October and we do have to believe that winter is on its way. Your skin probably isn't looking forward to this, as it's the season of dramatic temperature changes and many, many layers of clothing. I suffer from dry skin anyway, so I dread the onset of frosty mornings and central heating. There are lots of steps you can take, though, to protect your skin against dryness during the winter months, and it doesn't have to cost a lot of time or money. Here are my top tips for looking good this winter.

Friday, 23 February 2018

What's in My Make Up Bag

Make up bag, with products, and title overlaid
Thanks to Lauren from Scrapbook Lives for tagging me in her post, asking what's in my make up bag. I was really keen to take part, since I've only recently started wearing make up more often. I used to only wear it for evenings out, but since hitting 30ish, plus VAT, I am finding I resemble the unfortunate victim of a Miss Marple episode, if I don't make at least a bit of an effort. So this post features the products I love enough to give them their own bag. In most cases, it's because they are great products, but there's at least one that I only keep in there for the name. Welcome to the shallow world of my make up bag!

Friday, 12 January 2018

What Was in my Ladies Lucky Box from Approved Food

Assorted cosmetics with title overlaid.
Approved Food have been around for quite a few years now and I have always liked the idea. The basic principle is simple; in this country we throw away a lot of food unnecessarily and Approved Food sought to change that, by sourcing those foods that might have passed their 'Best Before' date, but were still perfectly fit to eat, and selling them on to consumers at insanely reduced prices. Fast forward almost ten years and they have branched out into other areas, including cosmetics. I thought I would what was in the Ladies Lucky Box with you, as I was really impressed with what I received. I bought this myself, alongside my usual food order.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Sensio Spa Complete Hydrotherapy Facial Steamer Review

Sensio Facial Spa Unit with Review Title
As a long time fan of home spa treatments, I have, along with my daughter, sampled quite a few, from the home-made budget treatments, to the more luxurious versions that cost a bit more. It's always interesting to see what the results are like and whether they offer value for money. Facial spas are something I've tried before, but only the cheaper, older-style ones, where your face fits in a sort of mask. When I was offered the Sensio Spa Complete Hydrotherapy Facial Steamer to review, I could see things had changed a bit since then. It promised a complete spa experience, and I was keen to see if it would deliver.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Truly Clear Light Therapy Review

Three Truly Clear Light Therapy units, featuring the three different light options, with the title text.
During the run-up to Christmas, I received a TrulyClear 2 Light Therapy System to play with and I mentioned it in a couple of our gift guides, as I really felt it had a lot to offer as a multi-functional beauty product. After the initial first impression, I promised I would give it a proper try and report on the progress and how I got on with it, as it would take a while to see if it worked. I've been testing it over the last few weeks and thought it was time to let you know how it went. The TrulyClear 2 Light Therapy System is available from US company True Company and retails at £329. This is a review based on my own personal experience, all opinions are my own. 

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Bristol Bits: A Mobile Manicure with Teacups and Beauty

Tea Cups and Beauty Nails
I recently had a Bio Sculpture Overlay manicure, by a lovely lady called Emma, from Teacups and Beauty. This treatment is a gel that is applied to the nails and is really strong. I do a lot of cleaning, so I was interested to see how it would fair. It should last up to 21 days, which is pretty impressive, as I've never had a standard polish last more than a day with my lifestyle! I have included two photos, one taken just after my nails were done, and another three days later, after cleaning two bathrooms, a kitchen several times and all those other household jobs that often require chemicals, along with the endless typing that comes with having a blog!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

85 Reasons to Buy Avon Dry Oil Spray and a Competition

Avon Clinical Eye Lift I make no secret of the fact I am a massive fan of Avon. It's no coincidence that Avon has been selling beauty products under the brand name since 1939. Their constant innovation and quality ingredients have built a level of trust with the general public that has really stood the test of time. I grew up with it, and it is still the only brand I turn to for certain products, such as the AMAZING Clinical Eyelift, which is so much cheaper than other eyelift products and is so effective. It's great to have a product that you can use on the eyelid, especially as I get dry skin on my eyes, so I find it really soothing. It works, too, I always look more awake after I've used it. It is half price in the current catalogue, so it's a great time to invest in a pot!

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