Saturday, 24 November 2012

Praying for Kerry #Healing4Kerry

I have recently heard about an amazing lady, who is fighting serious illness. Multiple Mummy is a blogger, a mother and a fighter. Like any mother, she is fighting with everything she has to beat her illness and go back to doing what she loves best, being a mum to her three children. She needs our help and our prayers. From one parent to another, lets send all our strength to Multiple Mummy and her lovely family. A two minute silence will be held at 10pm and supporters and well wishers can make some noise on twitter, with the hashtag #Healing4Kerry. But the healing process is a long one, so please keep Kerry in your thoughts and prayers and lets bring her home. Xx


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Pizza Cake

Today's cheat is less about nutrition and more about playing with your food, 'e' numbers and sugar. Well the 'e' numbers are optional, but you get the idea. Yes, it's been half term and as the nights are drawing in, the kids and I have come up with a fun, and pretty easy way to entertain ourselves and make something really yummy!

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