Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Sesame Sticky Chicken!

Another fun recipe to do with little ones, this is fab for parties or picnics, though possibly indoors at the moment! Be prepared for a bit of mess, sesame seeds get everywhere, but at least they are easily swept up! You can use the back of a spoon to coat the chicken with the mixture, so you don't have
sticky finger prints everywhere for the rest of the day! It also helps if you don't coat the whole drumstick, but leave a little handle, to allow for easy eating!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Remembering Jack; A Little Man's Legacy

A lot of people seem to have opinions on online friendships. Some think that it's silly and you can't really know someone without meeting them. You can't even be sure they are who they say they are. Which is true. However... some people really see the benefit of 'meeting up' with online friends to chat and just pass the time of day. There are lots of reasons why people turn to the internet for company. It could be due to illness or disability, maybe someone has lost confidence and doesn't like to socialise in pubs, etc, on their own. Or it could be a mother or father of small children who wants to talk about something other than Peppa Pig! Whatever the reason, many people are finding their place in online communities through shared interests and groups. And it can be a really positive thing. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

The C Word is Courage- A Young Girl's Journey to Survival

Isn't it funny how you can be going about your everyday life, thinking nothing in particular, when, suddenly, you meet someone who has the power to change your way of thinking, or even the course of your life, just by being themselves. I suppose that's what makes us human in some ways, our ability to be influenced and challenged by those around us. I came across a really lovely young lady on Facebook today. She's the niece of a good friend of mine, and she told me the most wonderfully inspiring story of her brave battle with Leukaemia. What amazed me, was that the story was never about her illness, or her fear, or even her, often death-defying, road to recovery. It was a tale of positivity, survival and selfbelief. The guest post that follows is Shannon Humphrey's story, in her own words.

Comp on our new Facebook page!

I have finally set up a Facebook page for the blog, which is brilliant, as it will be really easy for you to find out what's new! Even more brilliantly, you can see what great competitions are available as soon as they open! To start us off, we currently have a competition on the page to win a selection of make up. All you have to do is like the page and comment on the competition post with what pet names you have for your children. What are you waiting for?? See you there!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Easy Tomato Soup with Bacon

There are over 10,000 varieties, they are cholesterol free and are, in fact, the world's most popular fruit. today we are talking about tomatoes! Everyone's discussing healthy eating at the moment, so I
thought today's Tuesday Cheat ought to be a healthy one. But also quick, because, I don't know about you, but the first thing that pushes me off the healthy eating wagon is usually lack of time.


Sunday, 13 January 2013

New Year, New Active Lifestyle with Kidz Outdoors

Hello and Happy New Year!

So I've been missing in action for a while after falling victim to Hurricane Man-flu. It was a real stinker. And, of course, the problem with getting ill at Christmas is that it takes ages to get back into any kind of routine. Relatives visiting, children to entertain, lie-ins and too much food all lead to good intentions and not much else! Then, before you know where you are, it's the middle of January and you've already missed a couple of birthdays... or is that just me?
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