Tuesday 4 April 2017

A Round Up of Recent Adventures: March

Pokemon cake with title overlaid
I know I've been trying to do a weekend post as often as I can, but we have had such a crazy couple of weeks, it's gone a bit by the wayside. So, instead, here's a round up of a few of the fun things that have gone on in our lives since I last had a chance to write about fun stuff. I may carry on with this format, so that I'm not limited to weekends and I don't have to bore you to death if nothing interesting happens! Highlights over the last couple of weeks included L's birthday, the party, War Horse, oh yes, and of course cake. A big cheaty cake, that I sort-of made, but still cake!

Sunday 12 March 2017

April the Giraffe, a Time-Consuming Tail

Close up of giraffe with title overlaid
I never thought I would become this addicted to a Youtube feed, but I have, so I thought I'd better share the saga with you. Normally it's all Minecraft and mayhem in our house, but, a few weeks ago, I caught wind of an interesting development over at Animal Adventure Park in New York, where a giraffe was soon to go into labour and produce a cute baby giraffe in front of the world via a 'giraffecam'! It doesn't get much more exciting than that, I thought, so I tuned in to watch. Two weeks and two days later (and I was late to the party!) we are all still waiting! It's #AprilWatch, folks!

Thursday 9 March 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Nine

Chocolate Gateau slice with title overlaid.
We're late this week, sorry, wifi issues! This is more of a Saturday post, really, but quite a lot happened, so I'm hoping it will still be interesting and no one will mind. A lot goes on in Bristol, there was even a fire limbo dancer! And cake, of course, there will always be cake. It's also more about my wanderings, as I decided I would do something a bit out of character and go totally rogue. Oh yes, you heard me right, I went out, completely unsupervised. So, basically, what I'm trying to tell you, is that the title of this post is a bit of a big fib, really. But, I can't change it, because then it wouldn't be Weekend Wanderings, and anyway, Saturday is half the weekend, after all. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Eight!

Bath Pug with title overlayed
Last weekend began on a Friday, because I couldn't let some awesome artwork pass by, without giving it a mention. I have to admit, it wasn't the most exciting weekend, as I somehow managed to injure my leg, doing absolutely nothing and haven't been able to walk on it since. It's really been annoying me. If I get a painful injury, I want an exciting story to go with it. At the very least, I want to have done something to earn it. No fair! We did manage a couple of trips out, though,and Jade did very well after being dispatched to Lush for emergency bath bombs! 

Monday 27 February 2017

What to Give Up for Lent

Sweets and treats with title overlaid
I was going to write about Shrove Tuesday, as everyone loves a pancake, after all. However, I see a lot of great pancake-based posts each year so, instead, I thought I would tackle another conundrum that affects a lot of people around this time of year; what to give up for Lent. People take on this yearly challenge for different reasons. For some it's specifically a religious undertaking, to recognise and focus on the true meaning of Easter. For others it's a time to reflect on overindulgence versus the needs of others. Some simply view it as a great opportunity to detox something negative from their lives. Whatever the reason for the undertaking, the question of what to give up is an important one.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Seven!

Family photo with title text overlayedIt's been half term, which has turned out to be a much needed rest from the school and work routine. The February half term is a strange one. It always seems to come around really quickly after the Christmas holiday, but I always feel like we really need the break. I think it's because Christmas is so manic, but the break isn't all that long, so we get thrown back into work and school without really recovering from all the festivities and effort involved. It is also usually the worst holiday for bad weather and, sure enough, it was damp and grey here until Friday. Then the temperature suddenly improved, so this week's Weekend Wanderings features our first sunny day out of the year! Hurrah for Spring! 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Six!

Welcome to week six of my weekly weekend updates. I think I'm getting better at this, it's just gone 1am, so it's still technically Tuesday in my opinion. I'll be getting these out on a Monday by the end of the year, no problem. I need to, because I have the worst memory, so it's either that or start taking notes, like a journal for my journal. Which sounds time-consuming. Photos help. I actually think that's one of the advantages the digital age has brought us, pictorial reminders of the little things you'd otherwise forget. Things that might not matter, but suddenly do, like when did I buy those shoes that just fell apart, or when did we last get our haircut. Anyway, I digress... 

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Five!

It's hard to believe it's week five already. It's been nice writing these posts, I feel I'm getting to appreciate the good bits of life a bit more, before they fly by. This was actually quite a busy one and I even remembered to take photos. It was a weekend of firsts, as I did something I've never done before. Wait for it... I went to a Frankie and Benny's! I know, I know, how did I manage to exist on the planet for all these years without ever crossing the threshold of an F&Bs, but there you go, it's been a sheltered life. In another first, I also had my first 'proper' cocktail, but before that, there was cake and fabulous shoes, just in time for our night out. This is our weekend and what we loved about it. 

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Three and Four!

Sunset through bracken, with title text overlayed I decided at the start of the year, that I would like to write this weekly segment as a way to remember things we get up to, to combat my memory issues, and as a way to write something fun, just for me. However, it's January, so we are not doing a lot, apart from being battered by various colds and viruses, so this is week three and four, as I didn't get a chance to write one last week, and this week we have mostly stayed in and moaned about the weather! I've made it sound really boring now, so if you are still with me, I hope I've managed to liven it up, with tales of epic bargains and a 10 metre rope light! Also this week, the first foray with my new camera and decluttering my nemesis!


Monday 16 January 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Two!

Female wearing hair in side bunch and glasses, featuring title text. This weekend was considerably quieter than the last one, mainly because the car is still sulking and flashing various warning lights at us every time we start the engine. It's running like a dream though, stupid car. The weather has been disappointingly dull and L was furious that we weren't even slightly snowed in! The Bristol sky offered us about half a centimetre, for a couple of hours in the morning and that was it! Despite the grumpy car, we did manage a few short trips out and this is a round up of everything we got up to. It's entirely unsponsored, but does mention some really lovely places we went to in our region... 

Thursday 12 January 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week One!

Two boys smiling, side by side, with title text overlayed.This post is a bit later than planned, in fact a lot later, but we're ignoring that. It's January, so everyone gets a dispensation to be late for everything as they recover from the perrenial pandemonium that is Christmas, and the aftermath of chaotic schedule-sabotage and tinsel-vacuuming that ensues every year. This is a new post I want to try and do every week, so we'll see how that works out, but I'm hoping it might be fun. Towards the end of last year, I ended up writing a lot of review-type posts, which is really fun to do, and I hope useful too, but I felt I lost a bit of my identity in there, so this is my attempt at getting back to writing for me. I hope you are still here and humouring me for now. You are? Fab, then I'll begin...

Monday 9 January 2017

Our Year in Pictures 2016

Boy sitting at an outside table, with cereal bowl, title text overlayed on top. I really have no idea where the year went, they seem to pass by quicker, the older I get! This year saw us finally take the plunge and do something we'd been threatening to do for years, go properly camping! I was very nervous about this, so in 2015 we had a 'practice' by going glamping on the Isle of Wight, and this was the next step. Just like the previous year, everybody loved it and it was just one of many highlights of another whirlwind year. Once again, thanks to all who support the blog by reading, sharing and commenting, it's really so much fun to be able to write and share our adventures, and we hope to have lots more fun posts for you in the coming year. 
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