Wednesday 18 May 2016

Disney Store Captain America Costume Review

Captain America Costume on a Ten Year OldL has been really looking forward to the new Marvel film; Captain America: Civil War coming out. He's a huge fan of Marvel and likes to go to the cinema to see the new ones when they come out, ideally in costume. For this film there were two camps; #TeamIronMan and #TeamCap and L was unsure which side he wanted to be on. As he had already been to the cinema twice in his Iron Man suit, he was quite keen to try a Captain America look and, lucky for him, The Disney Store were able to send him one to review, which was really helpful! Being a big fan of costumes, he considers himself a bit of an expert and was very keen to list all the reasons why this was the best costume he had ever worn.


Tuesday 15 March 2016

Wicked Uncle Toy Review

Since having a boy, it has come to my attention that buying gifts for boys is a whole different ball game. When Jade was growing up, party gifts were a doddle; pretty, cute or sparkly was generally considered acceptable and there was a wealth of different categories to pick from. Hair and beauty, cuddly toys, Jewellery, to name a few. Boys, however, appear to be different. All of the afore mentioned categories are not appropriate, due to their 'girliness' and what's currently popular seems to be far more important. For example; at L's school, last year was all about Minecraft, this year, it's Rubik's cubes.


Thursday 7 January 2016

Discovering Star Wars: The Fan Awakens

Dressing Gown Head ShotI am as old as Star Wars. This is a fact I cannot deny. Star Wars: A New Hope was born in 1977, as was I, so I've always had a nostalgic fondness for all things Wooky. There is something about those opening titles that can transport me back to my childhood, where I was surrounded by plastic figures and At-Ats, on account of having a slightly older brother. So, it's only right and proper that my son, aptly named L, begins his education in The Force, in preparation for seeing the new film that's out. (I will always remember when L was born and one of our friend's children, a big Star Wars fan, was so jealous that he got to be called L. Even though, at the time, L had shown no Jedi leanings whatsoever.)

Friday 18 December 2015

Osper - Financial Independence for Children

When Osper offered my son, L, the chance to buy his own Christmas presents, he was thrilled. It's lovely when your children are just as overjoyed to buy gifts for others as they are for themselves! It also had the potential to be really fun for him, because he does love to be independent. He is very good at maths, and enjoys working out what things cost and whether something is a good deal or not. I think it's important that children are educated about money.

Sunday 6 December 2015

I'm Not Scared! With Zooropia at Bristol Zoo Gardens

Boy crossing a log bridge on the Zooropia rope course.
This is the story, in pictures, of L's recent visit to Zooropia, an arial assault course at Bristol Zoo Gardens. Especially designed for children aged 5 to 12, it's about 6 metres high, but surprisingly safe. L made short work of it, while I happily looked on from the safety of terra firma. not being a fan of heights! L really enjoyed it and is keen to go again. It's perfect for him, as it's a physical activity and he really enjoyed the fact he could do it on his own. This experience is brilliant for building confidence and self esteem and there were lots of adults taking part too! The descent is via a zip wire, which, apparently, is the best bit! 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Marvel Avengers Children's Watches from

Marvel Avengers Watch Face
I've always found it tricky to find the perfect gifts for the men in my life. There just doesn't seem to be the choice that you get with ladies. It's no surprise that, as L gets older, I'm having the same problem. This week, though, the people at the have provided a solution that I hadn't really considered before. They sell all sorts of watches and jewellery to suit every pocket and starting at just a few pounds, but it's their children's watch selection that really impressed me. A large range, with lots of styles and characters to choose from, there's something for every child's personal preference and we all know how important that is! 


Thursday 19 November 2015

At-Bristol, Where Science gets Interesting

I have been to At-Bristol before, on a school trip. The problem with school trips, though, is that you are always very short of time to try to fit everything in, so it never feels like you've seen all there is to see. Nevertheless, I was unsure how much there would be to do. I needn't have been concerned, we arrived at 12:45 and I had to drag him out, under protest, over five hours later! There was just so much there to interest him. It covered all of his favourite hobbies. Animation, stop motion, film-making, construction, with lots of other hands on science exhibits that he had no idea he was interested in!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

How to Prepare Children for Their Financial Future

Experian Jangle Logo
It's a hard life being a blogger. Sometimes I spend whole days writing poems and eating biscuits. Other times I go to the seaside to take pictures of the sunset while the children play in the waves. It's a trial, it really is. I'm a very committed blogger, though, so I don't shy away from the work that needs doing. Like when I was invited to attend a gourmet lunch at a swanky hotel in Clifton recently, to discuss a new app aimed at teaching children to manage money responsibly. This is a subject we are very keen on dscussing, as it seems to be getting harder to budget and I think it's so important that children learn the importance of saving and spending wisely. And there were profiteroles. Enough said.


Thursday 5 November 2015

Fantastic Fun at The Gun Powder Mills

Launching Rockets at the Gunpowder MillsLast year, we visited the Royal Gun Powder Mills at Waltham Abbey. It featured briefly in our 40 Days of Summer posts in 2014, but I have always wanted to give it its own post. So here it is, a gun powder post for Guy Fawkes night! We had no idea what to expect at the Gun Powder Mills, but there was a surprising amount to see and do. We learned all about the fascinating history of the Mills in the interactive museum and there was an opportunity to view and handle various guns and weaponry in the Armoury. L was fascinated to see what our soldiers had to carry during past battles. Some of the guns were nearly as big as him!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Lego Minecraft Review: The Cave

Lego Minecraft Steve

As with most nine year old boys, Minecraft is a huge deal at the moment. Following a very successful dental hospital visit, we treated L to a Lego set he had been longing for since his birthday in March. For his birthday, we bought him The First Night and The Farm, and this set was essential, apparently, as it contained a Spider and Ores. Not oars, which is what I was picturing, when he first mentioned it!


Sunday 3 May 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron Parent's Guide

At the cinema in an Iron Man costume
Avengers: Age of Ultron has a 12A certificate, which, according to the British Board of Classification means: "Containing material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Adults planning to take a child under 12 to view a 12A film should consider whether the film is suitable for that child." However, as this is a Marvel film and, therefore, heavily marketed at children with costumes widely available for under 10s and Lego set for 6-12 year olds, you may find yourself pestered by a small person to see this film. I saw it today with my 9 year old and thought I would publish this guide, based solely on my opinions. I hope you find it helpful.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Review: Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron Iron Man Arc FX Armour Gloves

As part of L's new Youtube venture, The Children Game, he would like to show you what he bought with his birthday money. These Iron Man gloves form part of a range of merchandise for the new Avengers: Age of Ultron film and are suitable from age five and upwards. Retailing at £22.99, the gloves are currently on offer at Tesco for £17.25. They are made of a robust, rubbery material, which I think has a lot more strength to it than some of the previous efforts that have worn out fairly quickly. It also creates an added element of realism, because it looks much more authentic.


Monday 16 February 2015

Bellissima Bella Italia

Boy with BreadsticksOh my goodness. I may never eat again. I don't think I have ever eaten so much food. The trouble is, you know when food is just sooooo lovely, you don't want to stop eating, even though you seriously risk exploding like an over-inflated barage balloon? At Bella Italia it's all about flavour. Not just the flavour of the food, which was epic, but also the flavour of Italy. It's everywhere, from the decor, to the titles of the dishes on the menu. My first impression of the venue was extremely positive. It was very clean and well organised, but the part that I really appreciated was the atmosphere, it was just so friendly and welcoming.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Baker Days, Cakes through the Post!

Everyone has that friend or relative who is impossible to buy for. Whether it's the person who's got everything, the minimalist, the fussy one, or, worse still (this one drives me crazy), the relative who is inconsiderate enough to live out of gift-giving range! I can't count the number of times I've pounded the streets, looking for something flat and light that won't cause me too much trauma at the post office! I think I have found the solution, though, to this annual headache and it comes in the form of cake. Who doesn't love cake? 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Secret Agent Surprise for a Birthday Boy!

My son is eight on Tuesday! How quick the time goes. It's scary to think he's my last little one. I don't think it matters how many children you have, every milestone matters. This was no exception, but I have to say, I really struggle with little boys birthday parties! There's all that 'keeping up with the Jones's' stuff to contend with. I know we shouldn't care, but it's always hard to feel that you don't quite measure up in the Fab Parent Playground Xfactor. It's not really about the cost, I don't think. I've hosted every kind of party imaginable in my eighteen years in the parent game (see what I did there?!).


Monday 19 August 2013

A Day as a Penguin Keeper at Birdland Park and Gardens

I am proud to introduce my daughter Jade, with her first guest post for you. She is here to tell you all about a lovely place to visit with children. Birdland Park and Gardens in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire is a lovely, family friendly environment with lots to offer, including an assortment of over 130 bird species. The prices are very reasonable, and there are extra activities that can be prebooked at fantastic prices. Click on the link to visit their website for more information, or join them on Facebook here. For Jade, the best part of our visit to Birdland, for a life-long penguin fan, was the keeper experience, which included feeding the penguins, amongst many other duties. Here is an account of the day, in her own words. 

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