Tuesday 21 February 2017

Globenfeld Super Sport Watch Review

Globenfeld Sport Watch with title text overlayed
This week we received a rather lovely watch to review, from the Kitchen and Home Outlet, who sent us the Facial Spa a couple of weeks ago. We loved the quality of the Facial Spa, so were really interested to see if the watch would reflect the same standard. Again, it arrived very quickly and was packaged well. I think you can tell a lot about a product by the standard of the packaging and I was very impressed with the gift box containing the Super Sport Watch. It was sturdy and well made and suited the style of the watch, making it ideal as a gift purchase. The face is quite large, so it would most suit an adult, or older teenager.

Win a 5 in 1 Excavation Discovery Set!

5 in 1 Excavation Discovery Set

Saturday 18 February 2017

When is Racism not Racism? My Thoughts on Burberry's BAFTA Blunder

An old style magnifying glass and notepaper bundled with string, and title text.
I have been wondering about writing this post for a while now. I may be in the minority, but the whole point of having a blog really, is that you can speak your mind and be yourself, so I really think I need to say this. It began with a tweet from Burberry during the BAFTAs. The idea was to draw attention to the celebrities that were wearing their clothing. However, in all the excitement, Burberry made what turned out to be a fatal error. They confused a British-Indian actor with another, of Pakistani descent. People got very cross and were outraged at this terrible crime and rightly so, if I was either of the gentlemen involved, I would have been understandably peeved that my unique attributes had failed to imprint upon Burberry's tweeter. But was it racist? I don't think so, and here's why.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Our Weekend Wanderings, Week Six!

Welcome to week six of my weekly weekend updates. I think I'm getting better at this, it's just gone 1am, so it's still technically Tuesday in my opinion. I'll be getting these out on a Monday by the end of the year, no problem. I need to, because I have the worst memory, so it's either that or start taking notes, like a journal for my journal. Which sounds time-consuming. Photos help. I actually think that's one of the advantages the digital age has brought us, pictorial reminders of the little things you'd otherwise forget. Things that might not matter, but suddenly do, like when did I buy those shoes that just fell apart, or when did we last get our haircut. Anyway, I digress... 
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