Wednesday 22 April 2015

Caramelised Carrots Make Veg Fun!

This caramelised carrot recipe is very simple to make, using just a few ingredients, and is always really popular with children, due to the sweetness. Happily, it offers a good way to get vegetables into even the most reluctant vegetable consumer. However, as they do contain sugar, they are not the healthiest of vegetable options, so are probably best reserved for a delicious occasional treat. They do get children used to the texture of vegetables though, so might be one to consider if you are in possession of a really committed fussy eater.


Tuesday 21 April 2015

Review: Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron Iron Man Arc FX Armour Gloves

As part of L's new Youtube venture, The Children Game, he would like to show you what he bought with his birthday money. These Iron Man gloves form part of a range of merchandise for the new Avengers: Age of Ultron film and are suitable from age five and upwards. Retailing at £22.99, the gloves are currently on offer at Tesco for £17.25. They are made of a robust, rubbery material, which I think has a lot more strength to it than some of the previous efforts that have worn out fairly quickly. It also creates an added element of realism, because it looks much more authentic.


Friday 17 April 2015

Win a Doodles Tablet Case!

One for the little ones today! You could win a unisex 6-8" tablet case, featuring a cheeky alien character. Set also includes in-ear headphones and luggage tag. REALLY handy for spotting your child's bag from a distance! Enter using the Rafflecopter doodah, but I promise it's not too arduous!


My Captured Moment; Downy Duckling Days!

Ducklings with mother on a lake.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Bringing Up Teenagers

Children walking away There is no right or wrong...

This is not a how-to guide. I honestly don't think it would matter how many teenagers you brought up, you will never become an expert. Everyone is different, including children and young adults. You will not get it right all the time. Fact. You might as well accept it now. There is no room for perfection in any aspect of parenthood, but luckily, children don't actually care about perfection, they care about happiness and security. The good news is, you can give them that without being an expert, you just need to walk a mile in their stinky trainers now and again.
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