Sunday, 29 June 2014

Unconditional Love

Little Girl Skipping through a forest

I like it when you cuddle me and when you hold my hand, 

I don’t like it when you’re cross with me, cos I don’t understand.

I try to listen carefully to everything you say,

But sometimes there are lots of words and I start to lose my way!


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sunday Photo; Finding an Irresistable Iron Man Mask!

An adult in an Iron Man mask.

Depression, Postnatal and Beyond.

School Uniform, with Matching DollA new study, conducted by researchers in Australia, has really got me thinking. It was about depression, and how new research shows that mothers are more likely to suffer depression when their child is four, than when they are newborn. You can read more about it here. The focus for many years has always been on the post-natal, first few months after giving birth and, in my experience, access to the right services to deal with mental health issues falls away dramatically after this time. In the very early months, Health Visitors and other professionals are trained to look out for the signs that you might not be coping. They know what questions to ask and can arrange help fairly quickly, should things go wrong.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Effort-Proofing the Garden!

Overgrown garden space
Late last year I organised a project to redefine a garden area at the school where I'm a Governor. I was very lucky to have the help of Almondsbury Garden Centre, who were brilliant, generously donating loads of materials and designing a low maintenance, tactile, visual area, that really appealed to the senses. Here is the 'before and after' picture, so you can see what I mean...

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Morrisons Monday with Britmums

Something really fab happened to me during the week. I got a lovely letter from Britmums, saying I had been selected as a #MorrisonsMum! They were giving me a generous amount of  Morrisons Money, or gift vouchers, to put it another way, to spend in store on a fabulous Bank Holiday banquet! I was ridiculously excited at this prospect, as it combined two of my favourite things, shopping and doing something special with the family.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Shoeps Can Make All Laced Shoes into Slip-Ons.

I heard about this new alternative to shoelaces as a fashion accessory, but I approached the company and asked if I could review them for a different reason altogether! They do come in a pretty amazing range of colours, so I understand how they would be popular as a fashion item. However, I saw a world of infinite possibilities for these. Take, for example, children's hobbies. It is very difficult to buy footwear such as football boots or golf shoes, particularly in the smaller sizes, with velcro fastening. Shoeps are reusable, so each time they grow out of them (or switch to a new hobby!), their shoeps go with them!
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