Saturday 16 July 2016

7 Things that Always Happen on a Family Road Trip, and How to Avoid Them

For some reason, us parents often have very short memories. We are also gluttons for punishment and so it is that, every now and again, we decide to gleefully pile all the children into the car and take off on an impromtu road trip to visit pastures new. Forgetting, of course, that most children don't actually travel very well and car journeys are often frought with drama and despair, as your car is quickly reduced to somewhere between a zoo and a warzone. So, I've written this list to remind you of why you promised yourself you wouldn't travel that far trapped in a metal box with your kids ever again, and how to avoid some of the horrors that await you if you do.

Friday 15 July 2016

6 Easy Toning Exercises that don't Require Effort!

Kites in the sky with title overlaidMany of us know we should probably exercise more. To be healthy and, in some cases, to tidy up our jiggly bits. I'm not saying you shouldn't embrace your jiggly bits, you should, unless you'd rather not, in which case, exercise is the answer! However it can be a little repetitive and, therefore, very, very dull, particularly toning, which helps to target those problem areas that other exercise won't. With busy lives, it's not always easy to find the time to have a proper exercise regime, so I've come up with some ideas to inject a little toning into your life. They won't turn you into a supermodel, but they might help a bit. As with all exercise, don't overdo it, and consult a professional if you are not sure, as I am definitely not one of those.

Friday 3 June 2016

5 Ways to Get, and Stay, Motivated!

I originally started this as a post mainly aimed at other bloggers, since this is an area many of us struggle with. I blog for fun, but sometimes I can't think of anything to write, don't think anyone ever reads it and it all becomes a bit of a chore. I don't want to stop doing it, but I do want it to be something I enjoy doing, so I have to make sure I keep myself motivated and positive. It turns out, anyone can suffer from demotivation in any job. Even if you don't have a job, actually. That can be the most demotivating situation of all. So, hopefully, these ideas might provide a bit of inspiration to help you find your inner dynamo!

Tuesday 17 May 2016

10 Comments Never to Make to a Pregnant Woman

Pregnant Bump Selfie with Title OverlaidThere are some circumstances in life when it can be tricky to know what to say. Socially awkward situations, where you maybe haven't had a whole lot of practice in finding the right words. Encountering a pregnant friend should be a time of great joy, but can be fraught with social tension, particularly if it comes as a bit of a surprise. If you are at risk of stupidity, it may be best to stick with; 'Hey, congratulations' and let her fill in the gaps. If she's anything like I was, there's a good chance she has had very few human encounters since leaving work and will be more than happy to ramble on for hours! Here are some of the worst faux pas that are best avoided, if you want to retain that friendship, and your teeth.

Monday 1 February 2016

10 Facts that Matter about Babies... and Lots that Don't!

Every parent has a vast amount of questions and doubts when they first bring that precious bundle of joy home. We all go through it, it's totally normal. Do you know what, though? If your baby is fed, clean and safe, you are doing great. Doesn't matter how you do it; doesn't matter if their socks don't match, or they favour sleeping back to front in a cardboard box under a leopard print towel, so long as they, and you, are happy. Here are my top ten baby priorities and some of the misconceptions that actually don't  matter a jot. The pictures are grainy because they are nearly ten years old. Thank goodness for better quality cameras these days!

Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Tips on Teenage Boys; A Guest Post by Mandi

This guest post is brought to you by Mandi, from Hex Mum Blog who has a wealth of experience in the parenting stakes. She is the perfect candidate to give me, and perhaps some other parents of young boys, a bit of a heads-up on what to expect in the not too distant future! As much as it would be lovely if they stayed cute and cuddly forever, there is a strong possibility that may not be the case, so get prepared with Mandi's musings on the teenage species. If you enjoy her brilliant observations, I'm sure she would be thrilled if you popped over to her blog, or gave her a wave on Twitter.


Tuesday 5 January 2016

7 Truths about Small Space Living

Chinese Lucky Cat Ornament with Title OverlaidFor one reason or another, most of us will be required to occupy a small living space at some stage in our lives. Hopefully, this will not be for long, but, for some due to soaring property prices, it quickly becomes a way of life and people develop their own ways of coping. If you've never experienced student digs or purchased a property in a sought-after area, you may not have enjoyed the unique charms of diminuitive dwellings. This is the low-down of the bits no one tells you about. If you are intending to occupy your own teeny turf, read on and learn how not to drive your housemates crazy!

Saturday 1 August 2015

6 Things Men will Never Understand about Women

A Guest Post by the Permanently Perplexed Husband, Phil

Why Does it Take Them so Long to Get Ready? 

Tell a man he's going out and he goes into a well used routine: Shower, shave and dress, quick glance in the mirror, 'Tom Cruise has got nothing on me', done. Ready to go out the door in 12 minutes, like a military operation. Two hours later he's still waiting downstairs, with thoughts like 'What are you doing up there?' and 'Why do you never make that much effort for me!'

Monday 20 July 2015

7 Circumstances that will Brighten Your Day As A Parent

1. Waking Up to Find it Isn't 5am.
Nothing beats that blissful feeling when you open your eyes for the first time that morning and see actual daylight. It changes your whole perception of life, filling you with an exuberance that could conquer the world. You may even go so far as to make actual breakfast, instead of settling for yesterday's pizza leavings. Whatever age your baby stops waking at night, there is nothing more joyful than the inner triumph of having acheived a 'normal' person's sleep. Celebrate the moment. I don't care what anybody says; if it isn't daylight, it isn't morning. Fact.

Sunday 21 June 2015

85 Reasons to Buy Avon Dry Oil Spray and a Competition

Avon Clinical Eye Lift I make no secret of the fact I am a massive fan of Avon. It's no coincidence that Avon has been selling beauty products under the brand name since 1939. Their constant innovation and quality ingredients have built a level of trust with the general public that has really stood the test of time. I grew up with it, and it is still the only brand I turn to for certain products, such as the AMAZING Clinical Eyelift, which is so much cheaper than other eyelift products and is so effective. It's great to have a product that you can use on the eyelid, especially as I get dry skin on my eyes, so I find it really soothing. It works, too, I always look more awake after I've used it. It is half price in the current catalogue, so it's a great time to invest in a pot!

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