Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Apple and Blackberry Crumble

Apple and Blackberry CrumblesAs it's windfall season, here is a reminder of the Apple and Blackberry Crumble recipe I originally posted two years ago! It was part of an apple round-up, but I felt. as crumbles can be under-represented, I would give it its own post. The secret to this recipe is to use brown sugar, instead of white, as it gives a lovely, caramelised twist to the topping and it will come out crisp and glistening, as if it was created by a true domestic goddessRubbing in the breadcrumbs is particularly appealing to little ones, if you do have any willing helpers!

Apple and Blackberry Mixture and Crumble

Apple and Blackberry Crumble

300g Plain Flour, sieved.
200g Unsalted Butter
175g Unrefined Brown Sugar
Knob of Butter for greasing.

300g Apples
150g Blackberries
50g   Unrefined Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Plain Flour

 Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl and add the butter, roughly chopped. Rub in the butter until it looks like breadcrumbs. Add the chopped apples and blackberries to a large bowl and mix in the sugar and flour. Grease your dish or dishes and add the filling, followed by the topping.

Bake in the oven at 180C for around 40 mins, until browned on top. I usually double the recipe for this one and make one big one, and a few small ones for the freezer!

Apple and Blackberry Crumbles

For more easy recipes for busy families click the link! 

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An easy apple and blackberry crumble recipe for making the most of seasonal fruit.



  1. Thank you for the recipe will defo have to try this out! My kids love crumble x

  2. Love foraging for blackberries must try this

  3. we had a great haul of blackberries last week, made pear and blackberry crumble yesterday, and it is all gone

  4. yummy, nothing like a warming crumble


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