Day 31: Make Soup!

Take a large onion, chop finely and fry in a little olive oil until soft. Chuck in five or six carrots, depending on size, roughly chopped, and half a pint of stock ( I use chicken, but you can use vegetable if you prefer). Add a few sprigs of parsley, thyme and a bay leaf, if you have one. Simmer for twenty minutes, then blitz in a blender. You may need to add more water if you prefer a runnier consistency. Return to the stove to warm through and serve.
#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 32: Build Something New at B&Q!

#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 33: Visit a Museum!
#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 34: Make a Rain Gauge!
The summer has left us a bit now, and it's feeling a little Autumnal. It's always tricky finding things to do, when it seems to rain a lot of the time. But this activity welcomes the rain, so it was the perfect choice for this erratic weather!

Cut the top off the bottle (about a third of the way down) and drop the cap inside the base. This will help you see the water level when the rain collects. Next, mark out millimetre sections on a strip of paper. Cut it out and stick it to the side of the bottle, taking care that it is level with the bottom for accurate results! Cover the whole strip with sticky tape to make it waterproof. Then, invert the top that you cut off the bottle and place it inside the base to form a funnel. Tape securely. Find somewhere in the garden where it can collect rain without getting blown over. You can bury it slightly, if necessary. Don't forget to test for water-tightness before you secure it in the garden! If no rain is forthcoming, don't despair, just put out some washing!
Day 35: Visit Puxton Park!

with a spot of sunshine! Highlights included a gigantic inflatable pillow, for jumping on and an 'actual' train. The 'pillow' was somewhere between a trampoline and a bouncy castle, I can't really explain it any better than that, but it looked great fun, The train was something that impressed L enormously. He has been thoroughly disgusted with previous 'trains' at various attractions that have turned out to be ... shock, horror!! Tractors! He calls a spade a spade, and a tractor a tractor, so has not been remotely impressed with these affections. You see, what you should have in a train, as the boy will tell you, are coupling rods. And a funnel. So he was thrilled to find that Puxton Park have a proper train, with all the correct parts, albeit in miniature. It was a shame we couldn't see more of the animals, but we did get some very close encounters with a few of them who were sheltering in the tunnel as we came through on the train! We intend to pop back another day when it's not so wet, as I am sure we didn't really do it justice, but it was a lovely day out all the same!
#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 36: Find Your Local Garden Centre!

#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 37: Invent a New Game!
Did you guess any? From left to right; A rattan shelf, a lampshade and my trousers! For younger children, you can make it easier by zooming out a bit, it's really easy to adapt for whoever's playing. However, don't expect your children to go easy on you when it's your turn, mine certainly didn't!
#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 38: Revisit the Best Bits!
It was back to the beach today, for a last hurrah before school goes back and the weather starts to turn. It was kind of sad to think it marked the end of the summer, but we have had so many lovely trips and fun days, we couldn't be too downhearted. So, it was more sandcastles and ice cream, and time to bore you with some more British seaside pics!
#40DaysofSummer What will you do today?
Day 39 and 40: Give In Gracefully!
Ok, so we didn't make it to 40, but we had a fantastic time trying and the last few days disappeared in a whirl of shopping, washing and organising! Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?!
I love reading about your adventures - you certainly keep very busy!