Wednesday 26 September 2018

Free Printable No Trick or Treaters Sign

Small No Trick or Treaters SignHalloween is a lot of fun for children, but it can be a scary and nerve-wracking time for elderly or vulnerable people. Genuine trick or treating children don't want to venture where they are not welcome or disturb people who would prefer to be left alone, so a sign like this can be helpful to everyone. You are very welcome to print this out and use it if you would like to. You could perhaps take one round to an elderly neighbour or relative if it would be useful to them. Some older people get quite intimidated by lots of people knocking on the door, particularly if they are in costumes and it's not easy to see who they are.

Monday 17 September 2018

Win a Family Ticket to Madagascar the Musical at the Bristol Hippodrome!

Madagascar is coming to Bristol! The mad-cap antics of zoo-dwelling favourites; Alex the Lion, Melman the Giraffe, Marty the Zebra and Gloria the Glamorous Hippo have made it to the stage and they are coming to Bristol this October. Featuring spectacular costumes and a cast led by X Factor winner Matt Terry, this show promises to be a 'roaring' success (sorry!) and that's not the best news! The really exciting part is that you can win a family ticket to see the show at the Bristol Hippodrome on 9th of October. Simply make your way through the Rafflecopter below. You can complete as many or as few entries as you like and don't forget to come back for your daily free entry, no social media required. Good luck.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Last Minute, Easy Costumes for Roald Dahl Day

Who in their right mind organises a costume day that falls just after the cherubs are back at school.?One minute you're organising new uniform, shoes, name labels, lunch boxes, the next you're having to come up with a costume just when you thought you could finally relax. Roald Dahl Day is a great day to get behind, we should encourage young readers wherever we can, but if you've forgotten about it, not got used to locating and reading the school newsletter yet, or just don't have the time, I've got your back! Read on to find all the easiest, quickest Roald Dahl-inspired costumes you could ever need! 

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Kirstie Allsopp's Confession - Would You Smash your Child's iPad?

Kirstie Allsopp admitted today that she smashed her children's ipads to teach them a lesson. I don't want to pass judgement on any parent, since we are all doing a very difficult job and we should be supporting each other, not taking the moral high ground. I also don't agree with trolling and bashing people publicly, especially over what is essentially a difference of  opinion. I hope this post will be viewed more as constructive criticism, or alternative parenting advice. Kirstie, I'm sure you're a great mum, and you must parent how you see fit, but I can't agree with you and so here are all the reasons not to start vandalising anyone's belongings today.

Friday 31 August 2018

London on a Budget: The Regent's Park

We had a brilliant time on a Blogger jolly to London last week, travelling with Sn-ap on their new Bristol to London coach service. We were given a free trip, in order to try the service, but starting at just £5 per journey, it's pretty good value anyway. London can be very expensive, particularly with children, but don't let that put you off, there are free and cheap activities to be found in different parts of the city. This post explores the best of The Regent's Park, one of London's eight royal parks and shows you one way to visit London without spending the Crown Jewels!
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