Wednesday 17 January 2018

Blogging versus Blagging: The Social Influencer Debate

Part of a keyboard and plant pot on a pink desk. title overlaid. Sometimes it's a struggle to explain your job, when you make money from writing a blog. I started blogging in 2012 and my blog was, and still is, something I wanted to be proud of and hoped might bring value to others. The fact that people pay for ads and some of the content is a happy bonus, particularly as my health has worsened, I am grateful to be able to earn money doing something I love. The beauty of blogging, Instagramming, YouTubing, etc, is that you can make money out of something you enjoy. There are no barriers, there is an audience out there for everyone and that's a wonderful thing, so why are some people so negative about it

Monday 15 January 2018

Top Ten Tips for Sensory Issues and Fussy Eating Phases

Boy with Bread SticksOriginally posted in 2014, this is one of the posts I get asked about most often. Since I wrote it, I've found out a lot more about the sensory issues that can affect children and have come to realise that, regardless of where, if at all, they land on the autism spectrum, or what other issues they may have, they can still feel anxious around food, so it's really important not to make it worse. As I mentioned, this post was originally written some time ago, before I was as aware of sensory issues as I am now. I've updated it a bit, but, whether it turns out to be part of a wider issue, or simply a phase, I hope these tips, from myself and other bloggers, will help.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Plus Size Beachwear Inspiration

I got brave last year and started going to my local swimming pool. This inspired my recent post Plus Size Swimwear Inspiration, where I talked about confidence-boosting swimwear, to assist those New Year's resolutions and get even the most self-conscious swimmer back in the water. The post, and subsequent comments, got me thinking; why shouldn't we take advantage of these cleverly designed advances in swimwear and extend it to the beach? Instead of the usual New Year's diets, this could be the year to embrace the body you have and unleash a new found confidence on the beach this summer.

Friday 12 January 2018

What Was in my Ladies Lucky Box from Approved Food

Assorted cosmetics with title overlaid.
Approved Food have been around for quite a few years now and I have always liked the idea. The basic principle is simple; in this country we throw away a lot of food unnecessarily and Approved Food sought to change that, by sourcing those foods that might have passed their 'Best Before' date, but were still perfectly fit to eat, and selling them on to consumers at insanely reduced prices. Fast forward almost ten years and they have branched out into other areas, including cosmetics. I thought I would what was in the Ladies Lucky Box with you, as I was really impressed with what I received. I bought this myself, alongside my usual food order.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Plus Size Swimwear Inspiration

Selection of Plus Size costume ideas, with title text overlaidI've often wondered if plus-size is a state of mind. Not literally, of course, you can't deny what clothes size you are, unless you have a lot of free time and a good pair of scissors. However, the actual concept and subsequent stigma around clothing for the curvier lady is a different matter. I've started swimming recently, and before that I used to do Aquafit. During this time, I've seen a number of really lovely swimwear, containing, what would probably be described as, bigger ladies. Some of them much bigger, but they look great and have an air of confidence that made me wonder if perhaps it's time to stop worrying about what size we are, and start making the most of what we have. 
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