Sunday, 11 December 2016

Christmas Shopping at B&M Stores Saves a Fortune!

Penguin microwave warmer with title textFirstly, I would like to say, this post is entirely unsponsored. I wouldn't normally say that, as I would tell you if it was, but I want to make it clear that I'm writing this because I am really impressed with the quality and prices at B&M Stores and have saved so much money, that I wanted to share my bargains with you. Let's face it, there are tough times for a lot of people these days, and most of us could do with saving a few pounds this Christmas. The beauty of B&M is that these aren't cheap products at cheap prices, these are quality, brand-name products at cheap prices and there is no way anyone would know their Christmas gift came at a substantial discount. Except my family, if they read this. Ahem. 

My Sunday Photo: Frosting the Foliage

Boy holding huge leaf covered in thick frost.


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Christmas Gift Guide: Bloggers

Swing arm clamp and camera remote with title text
This gift guide is here to help you with a very important decision; what to buy the blogger in your life. It can be a confusing experience, being the friend, or relative, of a blogger. You may be used to having your face paraded on social media, your food photographed at restaurants and being used as a personal thesaurus when you'd rather be watching the telly, but what does a blogger want for Christmas? I have purchased some low cost items this year that have turned out to be invaluable for all things blogging, and I also asked some of my favourite bloggers for their ideas too. This is our essential wishlist of bloggers' bargains and best buys!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Digital Detox with Time to Log Off and Punkt

White Punkt mobile phone with title textMobile phones and electronic devices have become a way of life for many people and are so embedded in most of our lives that we are barely aware we are even using them at all. Is this having a detrimental effect on family life, though, and are we losing out as a result? Last weekend I took part in a collaboration with Time to Log Off and Punkt, to investigate this very question. The idea of the project was to encourage families to put down their devices and spend more time taking part in activities together over Christmas. In order to prepare for this festive foray into unfettered family life, we were sent a special phone from Punkt, which looked like a really modern, funky version of what was common place for anyone who remembers the 90s. Yes, young people, there was actually a time before every meal was instagrammed and Facebook always knew where you were.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Magic of Bath Christmas Market

Entrance to Bath Christmas Market with title textI have never been to Bath. I had an idea in my head that it was quite tricky to get to on public transport, so I've never got around to it. When I was invited to a blogger event with Visit Bath, to visit the Bath Christmas Market, however, I thought it was time to put on my big girl pants and have a go. How wrong I was! The city is really well served for buses and they run every half an hour from the town centre, and various other points around the surburbs, such as Parkway Station and Cribbs Causeway. The journey does take up to an hour and a half, but at £6.50 for a day rider, it's a very easy, low cost way to travel, with no concerns about parking, either. You can enjoy some lovely scenery, with no traffic worries and know there isn't a huge gap between buses if you miss one! 
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