Saturday 24 September 2016

My Sunday Photo: Stalagmites at Bristol Museum

Stalagmites that look a lot like penises

Why my Son Won't be Participating in the NHS Child Measurement Programme

Like all parents in England, when my child started school, it wasn't long before we received a letter informing us that he would be weighed and measured, as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. This was, apparently, in order for the NHS to build an accurate picture of the heights and weights of UK children. Fair enough, I thought. That sounds like a worthwhile exercise to get behind. So I didn't object, and thought nothing more of it, until, out of the blue, I received a letter informing me that my son, who had dressed himself for school that morning in clothes aged 4-5, was in fact, overweight. The 4-5 year old trousers were actually pretty huge and I had to draw the waistband right in.

Thursday 15 September 2016

My Weird Christmas List

Christmas gifts under a tree, with feet. Sorry to mention Christmas, but for some reason, it always starts creeping into my mind, once everyone goes back to school. I know what L wants, he's easy, but adults are so much trickier. They get more difficult as they get older too, because they've either already got it, or just decide to buy it anyway, in a fit of retirement-induced boredom (mentioning no names, you know who you are!). So I thought I would share with you all the strange things I've thought of, that I would quite like for Christmas this year. Perhaps it will give you inspiration for your own relatives, or just a window into the inner workings of my slightly bonkers mind. 

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Concentrix - What Now? An Update and Thank You!

White fireworks in the sky. After all the excitement of Lynn's appearance on The Victoria Derbyshire show yesterday, great news has been announced with the decision not to renew Concentrix's current contract. After all the support that Lynn has received from readers of this blog, we would both like to thank everyone for all the signatures on the petition and the tweets and comments that helped with this very important cause. A lot of people have been asking about the next steps, as it doesn't end here. Lynn, and many people like her, are still without essential funds and there is a bigger fight to be won.

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