Saturday 29 August 2015

Saving Money with Back to School

All your back to school shopping should be done by now, unless you are really disorganised, like me! It seems like a never ending list of 'essentials' are required for even the smallest of eager pupils, embarking on the new term of their school life. The good new is, though, the list doesn't change much from one year to the next, so here are my top tips for what to buy now, to save you money in the coming months on your essential school purchases. Summer is coming to a close, and there are lots of bargains to be had on items that you will be getting letters home about before you know it! Stock up now, and save your pennies, with our saving money with back to school guide. 

Bristol Bits: A Mobile Manicure with Teacups and Beauty

Tea Cups and Beauty Nails
I recently had a Bio Sculpture Overlay manicure, by a lovely lady called Emma, from Teacups and Beauty. This treatment is a gel that is applied to the nails and is really strong. I do a lot of cleaning, so I was interested to see how it would fair. It should last up to 21 days, which is pretty impressive, as I've never had a standard polish last more than a day with my lifestyle! I have included two photos, one taken just after my nails were done, and another three days later, after cleaning two bathrooms, a kitchen several times and all those other household jobs that often require chemicals, along with the endless typing that comes with having a blog!
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