Saturday 25 April 2015

Win a Real Leather iPad Air Folio Case from Xqisit

Last week we gave away a tablet case for children, so this week, it's one for the grown ups! This week's giveaway is an exquisite (see what I did there?!)  iPad Air case, featuring Sleep Mode. It's in a lovely leather colour, so the boys don't feel left out. Make your way through the Rafflecopter doofah and lots of luck to you!

Friday 24 April 2015

Time for Tea with Teatulia

We love tea parties in our house. It might be old fashioned and a little bit daft, but it's actually really fun, and doesn't have to cost much. You can make your own cakes or pastries, which is a fun activity for children, and then have a proper teapot and cups and saucers, a la Downton Abbey. We even have a cake stand. Oh yes. In the summer this becomes an outdoor activity, like a tiny garden party with just a few select guests. My daughter is a big tea fan and a bit of a connoisseur, so I thought it only right that she contributed to this review of a selection of teas from Teatulia. 


Robert Downey Jr; A Beacon of Hope!

Robert Downey JrI don't generally get involved in celebrities. I don't read shiny magazines and I could not name two characters from TOWIE if my life depended on it. I just don't care. I'm sure they are lovely people, but I'm just not that interested in other people's lives. I also don't take a lot of notice of what I read in the papers. Let's face it, a lot of it is probably made up and I can't help thinking that people like Jordan, Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, whoever is making this week's headlines, are just people trying to raise a family. Probably with the same issues and parent-worries that the rest of us have. Something happened yesterday, though, that made me want to write this post and I hope you will go on to see why it matters so much to me.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Caramelised Carrots Make Veg Fun!

This caramelised carrot recipe is very simple to make, using just a few ingredients, and is always really popular with children, due to the sweetness. Happily, it offers a good way to get vegetables into even the most reluctant vegetable consumer. However, as they do contain sugar, they are not the healthiest of vegetable options, so are probably best reserved for a delicious occasional treat. They do get children used to the texture of vegetables though, so might be one to consider if you are in possession of a really committed fussy eater.


Tuesday 21 April 2015

Review: Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron Iron Man Arc FX Armour Gloves

As part of L's new Youtube venture, The Children Game, he would like to show you what he bought with his birthday money. These Iron Man gloves form part of a range of merchandise for the new Avengers: Age of Ultron film and are suitable from age five and upwards. Retailing at £22.99, the gloves are currently on offer at Tesco for £17.25. They are made of a robust, rubbery material, which I think has a lot more strength to it than some of the previous efforts that have worn out fairly quickly. It also creates an added element of realism, because it looks much more authentic.

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