Thursday 16 October 2014

Ghost Post #1

Readers have been dropping off their dilemmas and guilty (or not!) confessions over the past couple of weeks, so here is the first of an occasional post, where we ask you, our lovely readers, to offer advice, sympathy, and occasional applause! 

My first reader would really appreciate some advice on how to handle the inlaws since her third child was born. Situations like this are becoming more and more common in our society, as 'blended families' arise due to new relationships, but there isn't always a rule book on how to handle it, particularly where the 'step inlaws' are concerned:

Sunday 12 October 2014

My Favourite Movie Soundtrack, with CurrysPCWorld

I recently heard about a competition from CurrysPCWorld, the suppliers of all things swanky in the world of sound, including the competition prize, from Bose. The competition really captured my attention, because it was on one of my husband's favourite subjects; movie soundtracks. So, there follows a guest post by said husband, on the subject of Singin' in the Rain. Best of luck, dear!


Thursday 9 October 2014

Bra-illiant Bras and a First-class Fit with Triumph!

Have you ever been faced with someone who has a really badly fitted bra? Someone, who, perhaps, unknown to them, resembles The Incredible Four-Breasted Woman?! Do you ever wonder if you should say something, or just let it pass, unnoticed? If you do decide to bring it up, in the hopes of saving further embarrassment, how do you broach the subject, to rescue them from this unfortunate fashion faux pas? Let's have a look at some different approaches:



Monday 22 September 2014

Lemon Cheescake and Meeting Mary Berry...

I was lucky enough to receive tickets to The Grape and Grain Festival in Bristol last weekend. It was brilliant. First, there was a champagne breakfast, attended by the lovely Mary Berry and Lucy Young. It was a really relaxed atmosphere and Mary and her little family of helpers were really friendly and made a real effort to speak to everyone at the event. Walking around all the tables and signing books. We really enjoyed the event and I even discovered something I never knew before. Cheesecake is actually really easy to make! Read on below for the recipe. 
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