Thursday, 9 October 2014

Bra-illiant Bras and a First-class Fit with Triumph!

Have you ever been faced with someone who has a really badly fitted bra? Someone, who, perhaps, unknown to them, resembles The Incredible Four-Breasted Woman?! Do you ever wonder if you should say something, or just let it pass, unnoticed? If you do decide to bring it up, in the hopes of saving further embarrassment, how do you broach the subject, to rescue them from this unfortunate fashion faux pas? Let's have a look at some different approaches:


There is the 'mock surprise' option; "Hey when did you get those extra boobs? That's a really original look!" or, how about a more subtle approach; "Um, you've got something on your, er, cleavage you may need to look at..." or just come right out and say it; "I know you're my friend and everything, but for goodness' sake restrain those beasts, before they make a break for freedom and take someone's eye out!" 

Do you ever worry that your bra doesn't fit as well as it could and you may be unwittingly creating an unlikely superhero of your own? It's a common problem, and not a very flattering one. Take a proper look in the mirror next time you put on a fitted top. Your silhouette should be smooth and streamlined, not bumpy in all the wrong places! If you find yourself spilling over your bra in an unflattering way, or are finding it moves around when you walk and gapes at the sides, it's time to get refitted for the right size. Women can change shape for all kinds of reasons; pregnancy, an illness or medication, or just plain old good living! Not only is it a potentially embarrassing fashion disaster to own an ill-fitting bra, it's also really uncomfortable and completely unnecessary. A good bra should provide silent support, giving you a great, natural shape, without digging in or causing discomfort. 

I may have the answer to both these problems, whether you are trying not to notice your friend's extra mammaries, or wrestling with a bra crisis of your own! I recently attended a launch event for the new Triumph Magic Wire bra, which included a free fitting. I was surprised to discover that both back and cup size can effect the fit of the bra, meaning it is actually possible to own a bra that doesn't dig in at all! What a revelation! Since April this year, Triumph have been making it their business to rid us of uncomfortable bras. According to their research, 73% of women say that badly fitting lingerie can ruin their day, so Triumph have created bra advice to help out with all kinds of bra niggles. Their aim was to help 100,000 women find the perfect bra and, although they have already surpassed this total, they are still going! Hop over to their website to find out how you can solve your bra niggles. There are answers to the most common issues raised, as well as a Fit Finder, where you can arrange a personal in-store fitting, if you would prefer some practical advice. Perhaps take along that ill-fitted friend who could do with a helping hand? I am sure you will both be pleased with the results! 



  1. Some great advise and you are right we all need to check out fittings.

  2. This is a great post, there's nothing worse than a poor-fitting bra!
    I'll definitely look into this a little more,
    Thanks for sharing

    Pixee @ Humane Beings xx

  3. I remember Triumph bras from my childhood -" Triumph have the bras for the way you are" I can't believe so many women wear the wrong size bra.

  4. Buying a bra that fits is life changing! Seriously. I was WAY off before being properly fitted.


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