Friday, 11 October 2013

Fixing Fifi. A Pelham Tale.

A Pelham Puppet PoodleMemories are funny things. My husband gets very frustrated when I can belt out all the words to I Am The One And Only, by Chesney Hawkes, but have forgotten to buy orange juice for the third time this week. What?! You don't find old Chesney Hawkes songs strangely uplifting?! Is that just me??!! Oh. Ok then. Anyway, I've found many times over the years, that the senses play their part in evoking different memories. Like, the smell of fresh tarmac always makes me think of hot summer days playing out in the street as a little girl, the smell of hairspray always reminds me of my mother, getting ready for a night out, because people seemed to wear a whole lotta hairspray when I was small!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Blog Your Heart Out Award

I received a lovely comment on my blog today from Jade at Jade's Journey nominating me for a Blog Your Heart Out Award! I thought this was a lovely way to show your appreciation for fellow bloggers and I am very grateful to Jade for thinking of me and making me smile! The rules are to answer five questions, then nominate your favourite five bloggers. So, here are my answers...

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

An Apple a Day... Keeps Your Freezer Full!

I may have mentioned this before, but I consider myself very lucky, I do tend to go on about it a little bit, because we lived in a tiny first floor flat on a main road for a long time, until we moved here, and this beautiful parkland is our front garden now. 


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Kids Capture the Colour

My son is 7 and has recently decided his whole world needs documenting one way or another. He's either drawing, videoing or taking pictures, so, when we heard about Kids Capture the Colour with Travel Supermarket we had to give it a go! So, here are my son's best efforts at capturing colour, as only a seven year old boy can!

Friday, 30 August 2013

ASDA: A Shocking Display of Apathy

Dear Asda,

I tried very hard to avoid having to blog about this. I phoned, I tweeted, I used the fiddly little feedback form on the website, but you don't seem to have any medium to convey a serious complaint at all. Sometimes a standard 'Have a free delivery code' ping-back response is simply not enough. Sometimes, things go wrong and how you deal with them reflects how you operate as a company and how much you care about your customers. So, after pleading with you to give me an email address to communicate with you, in order to keep this a private matter, here is the email you refused to accept. Incidently, I don't think it shows a company in a very good light, when they don't have an email address. Makes me wonder what it is they're afraid of.

Hair Today... Supporting The Little Princess Trust

Did you know I'm a little bit scared of hairdressers? I know it sounds silly, but I have really unruly hair and after a couple of bad haircuts, I just let it grow, so there would be no surprises.This went on for several years, enjoying the savings I made on scarves and earmuffs as it got longer and longer, until... it all went a bit wrong. I started *gulp* AGING!! Gigantic white hairs started snaking their way through my very, very dark layers, like neon springs of impending doom. I knew the time was near.  Another thing I was sure of was that I was NOT investing in enough hair dye to colour that great mop, so, it was time for the chop!!


Monday, 19 August 2013

A Day as a Penguin Keeper at Birdland Park and Gardens

I am proud to introduce my daughter Jade, with her first guest post for you. She is here to tell you all about a lovely place to visit with children. Birdland Park and Gardens in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire is a lovely, family friendly environment with lots to offer, including an assortment of over 130 bird species. The prices are very reasonable, and there are extra activities that can be prebooked at fantastic prices. Click on the link to visit their website for more information, or join them on Facebook here. For Jade, the best part of our visit to Birdland, for a life-long penguin fan, was the keeper experience, which included feeding the penguins, amongst many other duties. Here is an account of the day, in her own words. 

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