Thursday 23 August 2018

10 Skills all Children should Learn before Leaving Home

University places are being allocated and it's time to start thinking about whether your pride and joy is ready to venture out into the world unsupervised. I'm not sure anyone is ever totally ready, to be fair, there will always be situations no one planned for and initiative will be required now and again. As parents, though, we can help by providing our children with the tools and skills necessary to survive on their own, and take on the challenges life throws at them along the way and it's never to early to start. Here is a list of the skills that all children should learn before leaving home and how to make sure they do.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Thoughts From a Mum on the NHS at 70

NHS at 70 - Photo taken inside Southmead HospitalLike most parents, I've had a lot of dealings with the NHS over the years, and I thought it was only right that I should recognise its 70th birthday. I have written political commentary previously on the struggles that the NHS faces and I still  do worry about our government's commitment to this service and the effect of budget cuts and sneaky privatisation. Today isn't about that, though, today is about celebrating a service that many of us, including me, don't often stop to appreciate. It's about recognising what the NHS, as a whole, actually means and what it gives to us as a nation. 

Tuesday 3 July 2018

What is the Best Age to Start a Family

What is the Best Age to Start a Family - Newborn being bottle fed.
Having children is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make and many thoughts will cross your mind as you consider your options for starting a family. Maybe you've always known how many children you would like and what age you hope to be, or perhaps life has made that decision for you. Either way, there is always a lot of debate and advice about the best age to have children, with really no right or wrong answers. I have got together with some brilliant parent bloggers to give you the low down on the best bits of parenthood, at different ages and life stages to help you get some perspective on what to expect when the time comes.

Saturday 16 June 2018

The Truth about Fortnite - A Parents Guide

The Truth about Fortnite - A Parents Guide with a screenshot from game
There has been an awful lot of noise in the press recently about a free multi-platform video game that children have gone absolutely crazy about. The press have not been kind, and many parents are concerned about potential harmful effects from this gun-toting war game on their enthusiastic offspring. I'm talking about Fortnite - Battle Royale and this Parents Guide is here to bring you the facts behind the headlines. What it's all about, what I've learned from watching it and how you can help your children play it safely, or not, if that's your choice after reading these facts about the game.

Thursday 14 June 2018

Free Printable Fun Bathroom Reminder Signs

Free Printable Bathroom Reminders, featuring graphics of a toilet and a male and female
We all know that potty training can be a tricky time, with some children taking to it straight away and others needing a lot more encouragement. However long it takes, there is definitely a sense of euphoria that this potentially messy milestone has been nailed successfully. However, often it doesn't end there and phase two is encouraging children to use the toilet correctly, and hygienically. These fun, printable bathroom signs, offer a timely reminder to everyone, with simple rules we all need to follow, presented in a light-hearted way. As we all know, it's not only children who need an occasional nudge in this department!

Monday 28 May 2018

Encouraging Children to be Tidier

Encouraging Tidiness in Children, toys scattered on a table top.
Over the years, I have developed a few ideas for encouraging children to be tidier, I have also learned what doesn't work. In this post I will endeavour to impart this knowledge, so that you can learn from my successes and failures and hopefully have a tidier home and an easier parenting life. I make no guarantees, however, as all children are as individual as all adults, so you may have your work cut out, since I know quite a few adults who find being tidy a challenge. Perhaps, though, starting young might be the answer and you could maybe break the cycle of untidy child to untidy adult. Future housemates will thank you.

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Benefits of Pocket Money - Little Minds, Tough Decisions

The Benefits of Pocket Money for Children
There is a lot of debate about whether or not pocket money is appropriate for children and from what age. Another question raised is how much to give. I did a little Googling, in the way of research, and found that in 2016 Netmums set the figure at £6.55, The Sun suggested £5 was average in 2017 and earlier this year HuffPost produced an article which quoted a figure of £11.20 for 2018. This would suggest children's annual pay increases are far more impressive than their parents, but do they really need pocket money, or is it just another expense for parents? After handing out fivers for quite a few years, this is my experience of the benefits of pocket money. 

Monday 2 April 2018

Siblings with a Large Age Gap - Pros and Cons

Brother and sister, with title overlaid
Not so long ago, it seemed almost expected to have children close together and it was common to have two or three siblings just one or two classes apart at primary school. These days, times have changed and advances in fertility treatment, blended families, and career choices have led to more diverse family units. There are many advantages to having children with a larger age gap, such as spreading out the costs of childcare, school uniform, trips, etc. There are also drawbacks, though. If you are considering spacing out your offspring, here is everything I’ve learned from having children ten years apart.

Monday 15 January 2018

Top Ten Tips for Sensory Issues and Fussy Eating Phases

Boy with Bread SticksOriginally posted in 2014, this is one of the posts I get asked about most often. Since I wrote it, I've found out a lot more about the sensory issues that can affect children and have come to realise that, regardless of where, if at all, they land on the autism spectrum, or what other issues they may have, they can still feel anxious around food, so it's really important not to make it worse. As I mentioned, this post was originally written some time ago, before I was as aware of sensory issues as I am now. I've updated it a bit, but, whether it turns out to be part of a wider issue, or simply a phase, I hope these tips, from myself and other bloggers, will help.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

The Importance of Movement in Children and a Competition with Reima

Sketch style photo of a child playing basketballThe title of this post may sound like an obvious statement, but, as with all parenting essentials, it's surprisingly easy to take your eye of the ball (sorry about the pun) and find that physical activity has gone by the wayside. Particularly as the nights draw in and the weather turns colder and wetter, you may find the family as a whole favouring the warmer indoors and getting less exercise as a result. Obviously, it's less safe for children to be outside when the evenings are dark, so how can we make sure movement and fitness are part of life and not something we have to remind ourselves to do? 

Friday 4 August 2017

Choking Hazards and Children - Prevention Better than Cure

A sepection of objects that a small child could choke on. When my daughter was small, she choked on a Hula Hoop crisp. It was at our local playgroup and, whilst I was just a few feet away, it was the quick-thinking mum who was nearest who picked her up and slapped her back. She was instantly sick and disaster was very much averted. I was a member of the St John's Ambulance Brigade from the age of 12, so I was trained in first aid from an early age. I have always been relatively confident in emergency situations, but not everyone is, or would be able to remember under pressure. It's also very distressing for the child, and the parent, so this post is about preventing choking situations occurring in the first place.

Sunday 16 July 2017

20 Ways to Encourage Children to be More Active

Two Children Walking through a Muddy Path
We all know how important it is to encourage our children to be active, and the summer sunshine makes it all the more obvious, but not all children appreciate it. This might be open to a bit of a 'nature versus nurture' debate, but, in my opinion, all children are different and this aspect is no exception. There are some children who would prefer to be indoors, probably, shock, horror, on their playstations. So, I've made a list of 20 ways to encourage your child to get outside and be more active. I've tried to include different age groups in this, as it does get harder as they get older, but some ideas will overlap anyway. 
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