Wednesday 28 November 2018

Icelandic Book Exchange - The Spirit of Christmas

In Iceland, there is an amazing appreciation for books and reading. This tiny island produces a disproportionately high number of not just readers, but also writers. 1 in 10 Icelandic natives will write and publish a book and in Iceland it is believed that everyone has a book inside them. The best part about the Icelandic book culture, is the tradition of giving books on Christmas Eve. This tradition is so respected, it gives rise to the annual Jolabokaflod, or Christmas Book Flood, which begins in September, when book sales climb as families begin selecting the perfect books for their loved ones to enjoy. Here is why I think this is one of the best Christmas traditions to adopt.

Monday 1 October 2018

Adjusting when your Child Leaves for University

University of Gloucestershire, Pittville Campus with title overlaid. It's no secret that I had my first child pretty young. 18, in fact. This is not something I'm ashamed of, I didn't feel like I was too young at the time, and she's turned out astonishingly well, as it happens. She left university, armed with her degree and landed a job within 24 hours. I think she's rather brilliant! However, it did throw up a few complications. The problem with having a child young,  is that they become your whole life. I did not know an adult life without her, she was everything I had ever known. So how did I cope when she left home for university? Read on to find out and, trust me, however you are feeling now, you will cope too, honest.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Free Printable No Trick or Treaters Sign

Small No Trick or Treaters SignHalloween is a lot of fun for children, but it can be a scary and nerve-wracking time for elderly or vulnerable people. Genuine trick or treating children don't want to venture where they are not welcome or disturb people who would prefer to be left alone, so a sign like this can be helpful to everyone. You are very welcome to print this out and use it if you would like to. You could perhaps take one round to an elderly neighbour or relative if it would be useful to them. Some older people get quite intimidated by lots of people knocking on the door, particularly if they are in costumes and it's not easy to see who they are.

Friday 27 July 2018

Free Printable No Cold Callers Sign

Free Printable No Cold Callers Sign
I am not an antisocial person, honest, and I really don't want people to think I am. However, cold callers knocking at my door causes people problems. If you have mobility problems, it's a pain to have to answer the door to someone you don't really need to see. Sometimes the unwanted callers are VERY persistent, which is a problem if you have a baby or night worker sleeping during the day. Personally, I don't think I should have to answer the door if I don't want to. Where we live, they call at dinner time, L's bedtime, sometimes when I'm in the garden, so I don't hear them until they've got REALLY loud. It's a real pain and I think we need to reclaim our front doors. 

Monday 23 July 2018

Coping with Hay Fever, Top Tips and Ideas to Help

Child blowing dandelion clock
Hay fever is a common, and really annoying, seasonal problem for many people. It isn't always taken seriously, but the symptoms can be similar to those of a heavy cold. Although not life-changing, these symptoms can leave the sufferer feeling exhausted and miserable, especially as they can last for most of the summer. The condition is a particular nuisance for students, as it tends to land right in the middle of exam season, which is the last thing anyone needs.  I've put together a few tips that I hope might help, including some ideas we've tried and some that we might! Wishing you a healthy, snuffle-free summer!

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Ideas for Helping Those in Need, When Money is Tight

A mitten with the words how to give a helping hand when money is tight across it.
There are so many charities vying for our attention at Christmas, that it can become overwhelming to find who best to help and how to do it. If you have cash to spare, it's a bit easier, because money is always welcomed by any charity, because it gives them the flexibility to buy the things that they need. What about when you are on a low income, though? Even when you don't have much money coming in, you can still be acutely aware that many people have less, and at Christmas especially, it's natural to want to reach out to those in need. Fortunately, there are lots of other ways you can help and here are some ideas.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Insomnia: How to Get Back to Sleep

There are different types of insomnia. Some people can't get to sleep at all, and lie awake for hours counting the minutes until the alarm goes off, where as some people sleep for a little while, then wake up and can't get back to sleep. I usually fall into the second category and I have found that there isn't a huge amount of advice available for getting back to sleep, once you've woken up. I've written before about the thoughts that keep me awake at night, and I even wrote a poem about insomnia, with help from my son, but I thought it was time I shared some of the ideas that have worked for me.

Monday 31 July 2017

Cleaning Short Cuts and Tips to Keep Up with the Housework

A neat and tidy downstairs cloakroomIt's very easy to get completely overwhelmed with housework. I do. It feels like I blink (or get absorbed in Facebook arguments) for a second couple of hours, and Armeggedon appears, uninvited, in my house. There are various issues that can cause this unwelcome phenomenon to occur. Maybe you are a bit of a hoarder, or have a brood of mini-hoarders, or just have other things you'd rather be doing. Whatever the reason, you are left with two choices; you can either dedicate yourself to a life maintaining a spotless showhome, worthy of a spot in Good Housekeeping or, you can do what I do and cheat a bit, fake it, and have a clean and happy home, without the hours of rubber-gloved drudgery. Here's how.

Monday 24 July 2017

Smoking - How I Nailed Giving Up with No Substitutes

I am proud to say that my husband has finally managed to give up smoking and the amazing part is, there was virtually no trauma involved! I've always known him as a smoker and I've always accepted it as part of life. As a non-smoker, I've never felt able to judge something I haven't experienced, so I never questioned it. I remember when he first admitted he was a smoker, on our first date. He was clearly embarrassed about it, but it never really bothered me. There have been massive advantages to him giving up smoking though, not least to our bank balance and you won't believe how he did it. This guest post, in his own words, explains it all.

Monday 27 February 2017

What to Give Up for Lent

Sweets and treats with title overlaid
I was going to write about Shrove Tuesday, as everyone loves a pancake, after all. However, I see a lot of great pancake-based posts each year so, instead, I thought I would tackle another conundrum that affects a lot of people around this time of year; what to give up for Lent. People take on this yearly challenge for different reasons. For some it's specifically a religious undertaking, to recognise and focus on the true meaning of Easter. For others it's a time to reflect on overindulgence versus the needs of others. Some simply view it as a great opportunity to detox something negative from their lives. Whatever the reason for the undertaking, the question of what to give up is an important one.

Sunday 22 January 2017

How to Handle Trolls and How Not to Be One

This semi-ranty post covers a subject many of us are familiar with and one I have never previously given an inch of cyberspace to. This is because I have learned that when someone wants your attention and is going out of their way to get it, by being as loud and obnoxious as possible, sometimes the best thing you can do is ignore them. Not today, though, because today I am going to have my say and guess what? This is my little space, so you ain't trolling here. I  won't give unconstructive negativity any space on my blog, not even a comment. If you don't like what you read, just troll on by, since that is the polite thing to do. as if we were real people and this was real life. This is how to deal with trolls and how not to be one, unless it's one with pink hair.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Tips on Learning to Drive

Learning to drive is something most of us have to go through these days, if we want to maximise our job prospects and provide adequate taxi support for our future or current children! It's just getting harder and harder to avoid, with constant cuts to public transport and companies increasingly finding ways to outsource and amalgamate their businesses further away. Like any learning process, it's important to find the learning style that suits you. Some people learn best from practical application, where as others gain more confidence from reading and memorising. There is no right or wrong answer. Jade has recently started having lessons and these are some of the tips we came up with to try and help a bit.
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