Thursday, 1 November 2018

Jersey Boys Theatre Review: Bristol Hippodrome

Last night my daughter and I went to the Bristol Hippodrome for a free press showing of the internationally acclaimed stage production, The Jersey Boys, which is currently touring the UK and tells the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It's a surprisingly intricate tale, with many twists and turns. We knew very little about the group, although we loved many of their songs, so this was a journey of discovery for both of us. And what a journey! We laughed, we cried, we laughed some more and we learned a lot. There's really only one way I can describe the whole experience; Oh, what a night! 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

How to Find Banksy Art in Bristol

Banksy work 'The Girl with the Pierced Ear Drum', with title overlaid. Over the weekend, I took my daughter and her boyfriend on a tour of all the local Banksy paintings, or, as some consider them, 'graffiti'. In Bristol, we don't have graffiti, we have street art, and Banksy is probably the most famous Bristol street artist of them all. This post contains directions to all the Banksy art that is close enough to walk to, as well as information about where to find the others further afield. The directions I have given are intended to be followed on foot, but you could do it in two parts if it's too much walking for one trip. There are lots of tourist attractions on route to break things up a bit if necessary.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Hillcroft, Redhill - Amazing Accommodation near Bristol Airport

Hillcroft, Redhill Title text over a picture of one of the bedrooms at HillcroftWhen you are travelling abroad, for work or pleasure, you are going to want it to be as stress-free as possible. Smaller airports, such as Bristol, are a great option for this, as they offer a more relaxed journey, since they don't have lots of terminals and miles of travelators just waiting for you to get lost in. Another stress-reducing option for the start of your travels is to find a great, reasonably priced hotel near the airport, so that you don't have to worry about your car, or getting stuck in traffic. I have discovered the perfect location for this, perfectly set up for short overnight stops and situated just three miles from Bristol Airport. Here is a review of our stay at Hillcroft Accommodation in Redhill. 

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Ingenious Space Saving Small Home Ideas

I once wrote a jokey post about small space living, based on my experiences in my first small flat. I was thinking, though, that I might actually have picked up some useful ideas over the years that could be useful, so this is a sensible post about managing when you don't have much storage space. Our house isn't tiny, it's certainly bigger than that first flat, but it's modern and therefore efficient space-wise, not offering much in the way of storage or, indeed, any surplus space. These ideas make the most of the space you have. There are some affiliate links which give us a small profit if you buy through them, and also illustrate what I'm talking about!

Monday, 15 October 2018

Autism in Adults with BBC Doctors

The recent story line on BBC Doctors following the struggles of foster son James, played by Daniel Kerr, has been a difficult watch. It has been at times harrowing, heartbreaking and thought-provoking, but most of all it has been a joy to behold. The acting has been superb and the story lines have really highlighted some very important points about the care system and the challenges that young people face when they find themselves on the autistic spectrum. Autism is a struggle a lot of parents face, but it doesn't go away when the child gets older and is expected to fend for themselves.

Friday, 12 October 2018

An Evening at Aspects Leisure Park, Longwell Green, Bristol

A collage of food and drink images from Aspects Leisure Park
Last week I was invited on a press trip to Aspects Leisure Park in Bristol, to experience some of the delicious food and drink on offer and let you know what else there is to do there. Like most out of town leisure complexes, there are a lot of eateries and venues in close proximity, making it an ideal place to spend an evening out. It turns out, I've led a fairly sheltered life, as I discovered lots I hadn't experienced before, including gin. I had no idea I liked gin, it really was a revelation! To find out what else I discovered, read our review of Aspects Leisure Park, Bristol. I was treated to free food and drink for the purposes of this review.
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