Tuesday 5 July 2016

Robinsons to the Rescue, Now My Son Drinks Water!

Boy pouring from a Robinsons Squash'd bottle with title overlaid. How much, and what, L drinks has been a bit of an issue in our house over the years. When he was younger he had some struggles with food and we did our best to work through them and encouraged him to try new things, until he had a relatively varied diet and wasn't afraid of new tastes. One final battle has remained though, and it would rear its ugly head every time the weather began to warm up. He wouldn't drink water. At all. In any shape or form. Milk, mainly, or tea. Fizzy drinks were agreeable, but for some reason anything else was a real struggle.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Chasing Seasons; A Poem about Time

Sunset behind Reeds with Title Overlaid
Stop, slow down! But life goes on.
Too fast! A current, raging strong.
Trying to cling to each new scene,
A crumbling rock in a rushing stream

Caught up in life's absorbing whirl,
Marvelling at each new vibrant swirl,
We're swept away, each holding on,
Regardless, always, life goes on.

My Sunday Photo: Real-Life Hexbug

A larva of a Harlequin Ladybird, that looks like a Hexbug.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

BLOODHOUND SSC: The Most Awesome Science Experiment Ever

Rear view of Bloodhound Supersonic Car with title overlaidRecently, L and I went on a little adventure and it was so exciting, we've been dying to share it with you! Not a million miles away from where we live, here in Bristol, contained within a non-descript warehouse on a generic industrial estate, there resides a group of some of the most inquisitive and formidable minds on the planet. As the trucks rumble past and the world carries on its day, they are busy creating something magificent. It's 44ft long, weighs 7.5 tonnes and could lap Usain Bolt before he even left the blocks. If it could turn corners, anyway. So, what is this mysterious monster of a machine? It is... *drumroll* ... The BLOODHOUND SSC.

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