Monday 25 January 2016

What's So Special About Breakfast?

Man Asleep Under a Tree with Title OverlaidI can often be found banging on about the importance of breakfast, but why is it such a big deal? The obvious answer is that you haven't provided your body with any energy or nutrients overnight. During the day, we top up fairly regularly, so those eight or so hours without food make up a substantial fast period. There are other considerations though. If you have a whole day ahead of you, at work or school, you are going to be putting demands on your body. Not just physically, but mentally too. Your brain relies on good nutrition to function, so that you don't do or say anything that makes you look daft. Also you don't want to start falling asleep somewhere inappropriate either, because you might look like a bit of a plonker!

Sunday 24 January 2016

My Sunday Photo: Chocolate Cake Delight

Yesterday I was treated to afternoon tea at Patisserie Valerie by my lovely friend Mels from Diary of a Jewellery Lover. L was so excited, he even picked out his best shirt to wear! His expression when Mel gave him this chocolate cake, suggests it was worth dressing up for! 

Boy With Cake

Saturday 23 January 2016

Win Disney Frozen Headphones!

Last week we gave away a Frozen walkie talkie set and it was so popular that I thought I'd better find another Frozen offering for this week. So, don't be sad if you didn't win, here's another chance. This time to win Frozen headphones, so you won't have to listen to Let It Go ever again. EVER AGAIN!! Oh, the peaceful possibilities! Kindly make your way through the Rafflecopter and I wish you lots of luck. All welcome to enter, even if this is the 307th competition you've entered today! 


Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Tips on Teenage Boys; A Guest Post by Mandi

This guest post is brought to you by Mandi, from Hex Mum Blog who has a wealth of experience in the parenting stakes. She is the perfect candidate to give me, and perhaps some other parents of young boys, a bit of a heads-up on what to expect in the not too distant future! As much as it would be lovely if they stayed cute and cuddly forever, there is a strong possibility that may not be the case, so get prepared with Mandi's musings on the teenage species. If you enjoy her brilliant observations, I'm sure she would be thrilled if you popped over to her blog, or gave her a wave on Twitter.


Tuesday 19 January 2016

Bristol Bits: SS Great Britain Review

I love the Harbourside in Bristol, because there are so many different places to visit. Previously, we have reviewed; Bristol Aquarium, At-Bristol and M-Shed, which are all within a few minutes walk, or a short ferry ride of each other and provide various options for all-weather entertainment. Our recent visits have all been thanks to Visit Bristol, the go-to site for finding out what's great to do in our fair city, who provided us with a media pass for a few weeks. Today we are reviewing the SS Great Britain, a true icon of Bristol and a magnificent ship. It's a great place to choose when the weather is not at its best, as a surprising amount of it is below decks. 

Friday 15 January 2016

Win Frozen Walkie Talkies!

L picked this week's giveaway, so we have a set of Frozen walkie talkies for you. A fun way for you to keep in touch with your little ones around the house, or, maybe, for them to hurl insults at each other, if they are that little bit older! Good luck everyone, your Rafflecopter awaits! All welcome to enter, even compers. And traffic wardens. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Curiousity A-loft

I don't do ladders, or dark dingy spaces,
I don't like spiders, my heart just races,
I've tried, I have, but I just can't face it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 

I would love to visit and maybe clean it,  
It's ridiculous to think I've never seen it, 
I threaten to sometimes, but don't really mean it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 

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