Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Bristol Bits: SS Great Britain Review

I love the Harbourside in Bristol, because there are so many different places to visit. Previously, we have reviewed; Bristol Aquarium, At-Bristol and M-Shed, which are all within a few minutes walk, or a short ferry ride of each other and provide various options for all-weather entertainment. Our recent visits have all been thanks to Visit Bristol, the go-to site for finding out what's great to do in our fair city, who provided us with a media pass for a few weeks. Today we are reviewing the SS Great Britain, a true icon of Bristol and a magnificent ship. It's a great place to choose when the weather is not at its best, as a surprising amount of it is below decks. 

Friday, 15 January 2016

Win Frozen Walkie Talkies!

L picked this week's giveaway, so we have a set of Frozen walkie talkies for you. A fun way for you to keep in touch with your little ones around the house, or, maybe, for them to hurl insults at each other, if they are that little bit older! Good luck everyone, your Rafflecopter awaits! All welcome to enter, even compers. And traffic wardens. 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Curiousity A-loft

I don't do ladders, or dark dingy spaces,
I don't like spiders, my heart just races,
I've tried, I have, but I just can't face it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 

I would love to visit and maybe clean it,  
It's ridiculous to think I've never seen it, 
I threaten to sometimes, but don't really mean it, 
My loft is a mystery to me. 


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why My Heart Belongs to Darts; A Guest Post by Phil

Darts with Title OverlaidEric Bristow, John Lowe, Keith Deller, Peter Evison, Mike Gregory and Steve Beaton. Some of the players I've met through my first love, darts. I haven't played them all, but I've certainly had some great laughs with them! I have seen some highs, like John Lowe hitting the first televised 9 dart finish. Ive seen some lows, like Andy Fordham leaving the Lakeside stage on a stretcher, because he collapsed due to his heart not being able to take the strain of his weight any more. Either way darts have been a huge part of my life for over forty years now.

Monday, 11 January 2016

When Wookey Hole went Wrong; What to Do in Cheddar

We planned a family trip to Wookey Hole just before Christmas. We had been looking forward to it all week. My son was especially excited, as he, like most ten year old boys, is obsessed with Minecraft and has always wanted to see inside a real cave. I had been given a media pass by the lovely folks at Visit Bristol and had spent the previous couple of weekends enjoying some fantastic days out at some great local attractions. This one wasn't quite so local, though, which was why we were pleased to have the media pass. It's not cheap and there was an element of petrol involved for the 40 mile cross-country journey. It took over an hour to get there. Then it all went wrong.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

My Sunday Photo: Asleep with Cookie!

One from the archives

Toddler Sleeping Slumped in a Lawn Chair. Clutching a Cookie
I am not letting go of this cookie!

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