Friday 13 November 2015

Well Fitted Bras Galore!

"A friend is like a good bra: hard to find, comfortable, supportive and never leaves you hanging."

ImageI'm a bit obsessed with well-fitting bras. There is just nothing worse than a badly fitting bra and after having children, it becomes even more important to get the right fit. When you have children, not only can your boobage fluctuate in size quite significantly, due to hormone changes, weight gain, etc, but also comfort becomes a really big deal. You may find yourself having to attempt running, when your toddler makes a break for freedom in the supermarket.

Monday 9 November 2015

Win Christmas Gifts worth £300!!

It's been a brilliant year for blogging. Lots of fun opportunities have occurred. There have been meet ups with friends, fun brand events, exciting reviews and lots and lots of cake. My little blog continues to grow and all of that is down to the people who read it. Even after three years, I still find it a little strange that anyone does read it, which is weird, why else would I write it? Anyway, I digress... The
point is, Christmas is coming and I wanted to organise a competition that would be really special, as a thank you for all the support I've had with the blog over the last year.
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