Thursday 13 August 2015

Agreeing with Davina McCall on Relationships

Wedding Cake Topper FlowersDavina McCall got herself into a bit of hot water recently by being a bit too honest about her marriage and relationships. Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with speaking your mind and being candid, particularly about something you are proud of. It's becoming rarer that people can talk about their marriage in terms of double figures, so why shouldn't she share her tips? The interview involved comments she made about her relationship with her husband and, as with all comments taken out of context, this one quickly became a beacon for feminists to flock to.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Lego Minecraft Review: The Cave

Lego Minecraft Steve

As with most nine year old boys, Minecraft is a huge deal at the moment. Following a very successful dental hospital visit, we treated L to a Lego set he had been longing for since his birthday in March. For his birthday, we bought him The First Night and The Farm, and this set was essential, apparently, as it contained a Spider and Ores. Not oars, which is what I was picturing, when he first mentioned it!


Monday 10 August 2015

Location Hunting; Richard Briers and Midsomer Murders

A Guest Post by The Husband... 

War Games, Stamp Collecting, Blogging, even Pole Dancing, most people have a passion in life and I'm no different. Mine is reading and researching. When I take an interest in something or someone, I like to find all the facts I can. My head is full of little pieces of knowledge that nobody else cares about, but they all matter to me. I know I drive my wife mad at times, when I recite an episode of Only Fools and Horses, word for word, or rattle off Dean Martin's life story but she does nod occasionally and humour me, bless her.
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