Friday 19 June 2015

Roebeck Country Park, Isle of Wight Review

Covered Eating Area at Roebeck with Title Overlaid
The build up to our holiday had been fairly intense, with lots of child-based excitement and sleepless nights, but finally the day had arrived! We were so excited, we left the house at midnight, for the three hour journey! There is definitely an arguement for travelling in the early hours if you want a stress -free road trip, but even I thought that was going a bit far! This is our review of our stay, although I'm not sure I could really do it justice, there is so much we loved about it. Roebeck Country Park is situated near Ryde on the Isle of Wight and we visited during May half term.


Tuesday 16 June 2015

My Unusual Shed Design

A Pink and Yellow Striped Shed with Large Blue Painted Flowers
This is a bit of a nostalgia post, as we have had our shed for a while now. It was originally 'designed', by me, in 2014 and has attracted a few comments since. Mostly, because you can see it from quite a distance away. I had always wanted a beach hut-ispired shed and, a year later, I have no regrets about the bold statement it makes in the garden. Every now and then, I like to applaud The Husband's stoic ingenuity, often in the face of financial adversity. This somewhat psychedelic monument celebrates The Husband's dedication to some of my more bonkers design ideas and has so far gone largely unsung. So,today, I give you... Our Garden Shed!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Win Star Wars Single Reversible Duvet Set!

Today's competition is one for the Sci Fi fans. A reversible duvet set, featuring lots of great characters AND it's easy iron, bonus! A lovely addition to any child's bedroom. Enter below and may the force be with you. #CompersWelcome


Living With a Back Condition

Woman in bed, covered with a quilt, except for the eyes. Title text overlaid. I'm contributing my own post to our Hidden Illness series today. Something I've been wondering about doing for a while. A lot of the subjects I blog about begin with the same thought; 'Do other people feel this way?' I started this blog because I wanted to offer support to other parents by not being perfect. Because, to be a parent, you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try. You won't always get it right, but you do your best, and your children exist safe in the knowledge that you love them enough to always give them your all, even if sometimes it's a bit wonky or soggy in the middle...

Vanity and the Spectacled Woman

Every time my optician's check up comes round, I am reminded how vain I am. I have needed glasses since I was 16, but I have only ever worn them on an 'as required' basis. I needed them when I was at college, that was a long time ago. I need them to drive, but I don't drive. Not just because of the glasses, you understand, I am just spectacularly rubbish at it. If I was meant to go backwards and turn at the same time, I would have been born with wing mirrors. So, that's me, vain and quite lazy.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Encouraging Children to Read

Fairy Tale Book with Title OverlaidSome children love to read, but some need a bit more encouragement. It is definitely worth persevering with, as they will certainly thank you when they are older and will hopefully develop a love of reading in their own time. It can be concerning when your child shows little or no interest in reading, particularly as they approach school age and years of formal education, including test scores and peer pressure, stretch before them. It is worth remembering though, that children develop at their own rate and there is absolutely no need to panic if they just don't care about reading. 
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