Wednesday 3 June 2015

Travelling 'Abroad' with Wightlink Ferries

I love being a blogger. I love writing, which is why I started blogging, but also, sometimes epic things happen. Like, when I was recently asked if I would like to review a holiday park on the Isle of Wight. Brilliant, I thought! Then I hit a snag. It was pretty short notice and I needed a ferry crossing. A cheap one! Along came the lovely people at Wightlink who offered us a free crossing, if we promised to let you know how we got on. So, here is our review of the Wightlink Ferry Portsmouth to Ryde crossing, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Attracting, and Keeping, Garden Birds

Bird Box with Title OverlaidWe decided a long time ago not to keep pets in the house. This is partly financial, and partly down to the level of commitment required. We have always quite liked the fact that we can go out for the day, or even the weekend, at short notice, without having to worry about who's going to take care of the furry offspring. It is still possible for children to observe and learn about animal behaviour, though, by encouraging wildlife into the garden. It helps animals find food and a safe place to be, and encourages children to be considerate to their environment. Here's how we brought birds and frogs to our garden. 

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Camping. Great Entertainment on a Small Budget.

I have always taken my children on standard 'holiday camp' type holidays, where you stay in a static caravan or a little chalet and there is lots available on site, such as a swimming pool, restaurants, entertainment, etc. In recent years though, this option has become more and more expensive. Sometimes even more expensive than travelling abroad! This year we went on a traditional camping holiday, kindly supplied by  Roebeck Country Park for us to review. We were all really surprised by how positively it compared to our previous holiday choices and I wanted to write about this aspect as I would never have realised how enjoyable it would be and how little we would miss the holiday camp environment.

Friday 29 May 2015

Find your Inner Freak: Why it is Important to be Who You Want to Be.

Another guest post from my friend Rebecca, who is doing a great job of looking after things while I'm on hols!

This is the advice I wish I had been given when in my twenties.
Old School Photo

You leave school, you get a job if you can, you earn some dosh and you try and work out what you are going to be when you grow up. Then you realise ten years have gone and you are still trying to work out which direction you are heading so you panic a bit and stress out when you look round at others whom you consider have ‘done something with their life’.
This is why that is all pointless. The secret is that you have already made it. Success is relevant only to who you are. Therefore you should forget trying to be what you think success is based on others and look into yourself. Give yourself a break.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Find Me Face Down on the Floor Behind the Sofa. A Narcoleptic’s Tale.

Our 'hidden illness' series continues with an amazingly insightful and frank post from my fabulous friend Rebecca on Narcolepsy.

If you ask somebody who is ill what the worst thing is about an illness, you will find pain is probably at the top. Followed closely by lethargy or exhaustion. So we know tiredness is awful yet we fail to recognise as a disability. This blog article for The Parent Game is to help you understand the rather odd life cycle of a narcoleptic. Please try and stay awake!


Monday 25 May 2015

6 of the Worst Supermarket Crimes

A Shelf of Drinks with Title OverlaidSupermarket shopping is a necessary evil for most of us. I know, these days, if you are super-organised you can order everything online and have it delivered at your own convenience, but I'm really not that organised and I can't get used to working out in advance what I might fancy for tea. I also like to choose my own fruit and meat, etc, because I am picky. That said, I am not really a fan. There's just so much to annoy me. The trolley always wants to turn left, the shop is too big, with the most frequently purchased products are at the far end, and then there's the people. So I've made a little list of the most annoying people in supermarkets. Sorry if this is you, but, honestly, enough is enough! 


Sunday 24 May 2015

Win JVC Flats Headphones! Compers welcome!!

I keep hearing from some competition providers that they don't want 'compers' to enter their competitions. The definition of 'comper' or 'competition account' is a little bit vague, as is the reason they are not welcome. It's something about them not being 'genuine' readers or likers or whatever. Anyway, this competition is offered to you, from me, to say thank you, comper or not, for all the support that I get from you. I offer competitions because I like making people happy and, to a lesser extent, because it helps my blog find its way to new readers. I provide nearly all my own prizes. I don't mind if you stay or not, but I really hope to see you again soon. Be lucky. Love, Me. x

My Sunday Photo; Visitors to the Birdbox

A bluetit feeding her young through the opening of a bird box.
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