Saturday 15 November 2014

Think it? Do it! Getting Motivated

Vase of White Roses
I'm talking about those little thoughts and ideas that creep into the head and settle down under a blanket of procrastination. Often, the only time we even remember these thoughts, is when we need something to blame for how unsatisfying our lives are. 'I'm so bored! If only I'd acted on that idea to start a new hobby', 'I'm so unfit! If only I had joined a gym like my brain suggested!, 'I'm worried about money! How I wish I had sorted out all my surplus stuff and had that carboot sale I was thinking about!' See? Thinking about doing something doesn't change anything. It makes you feel better for a little while, as you imagine how much brighter your life will be once all your plans are underway, but it won't last unless you act on it.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

An Alarming Experience - Family Fire Safety

Last night, our dishwasher caught fire. We are still not entirely sure how it happened, but I can tell you that it was very, very scary. Thankfully, we are all ok, a little smoke inhalation, but painfully aware that it could have been a whole lot worse. With that in mind, I wanted to share the experience with you, because I really, really can't stress this enough...

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Spreading the Cheer for Christmas this Year!

I just read a lovely post on Facebook from the gorgeous, and frankly brilliant, Jason Manford, who has suggested that it would be a lovely idea to donate advent calendars to a local Foodbank, in order to ensure a better start to the festive season for the vast number of children currently living in difficult circumstances. Now, I will admit, I am a huge fan of this man. I greatly admire anyone who has the
presence of mind to use their celebrity to further the awareness of charities and causes, particularly the lesser known ones that struggle to get noticed.

Friday 31 October 2014

Homage to the Husband's Inventive DIY

Metal bucket peg holder, with title overlaidOver the years our family has been through some pretty tough times. From living in a two bedroomed flat with three children, to some fairly dramatic financial struggles, that took an epic battle on all fronts to eventually defeat. What has this got to do with DIY I hear you ask? Well, you don't get through those sorts of problems in one piece without two things. Firstly, a huge dose of solidarity and team spirit. Whatever you are in, you are in it together, that is the joy of families. You all pitch in, you all get out. And secondly masses and masses of creativity and imagination. To make things fit, to cheer things up, to make things better. That's what gets you through. So there follows some of my favourite examples of The Husband's handiwork. A man who has suffered for ten years from a wife who has all the ideas in the world, but no practical skills what-so-ever. I draw it, he builds it. 

Thursday 30 October 2014

Finding Nemo... at Bristol Aquarium!

Bristol Aquarium
I've never been to a 'proper' aquarium before. I've been to a couple of seaside efforts, but they've always been hugely anti-climactic, consisting of a number of unimaginative fish tanks welded to the wall, housing tired-looking specimens, that are either ailing from something or very, very depressed. So, it was with some trepidation that we trouped off to the bus stop, in search of Nemo and his scaly pals. The Aquarium is conveniently situated in the popular Harbourside area of the city, next to @Bristol and helpfully signposted by what I think is a huge Dung Beetle. Oh, actually I've just googled and it's a Rhinoceros Beetle. All you need to know is there is a huge pointy-nosed creepy-crawly to show you where you need to be. Which is handy.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Best of Scotland with Caledonian Hampers

I love hampers, I do. I love the element of surprise and anticipation when you first open the box, and the indulgent contents that you wouldn't normally buy with your weekly shop. What I most love about hampers, though, is the versatility they provide as a gift idea. Everyone has that relative, usually far away and not often visited, but still important, who is a bit of a struggle to find the perfect gift for.
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