Monday, 24 July 2017

Smoking - How I Nailed Giving Up with No Substitutes

I am proud to say that my husband has finally managed to give up smoking and the amazing part is, there was virtually no trauma involved! I've always known him as a smoker and I've always accepted it as part of life. As a non-smoker, I've never felt able to judge something I haven't experienced, so I never questioned it. I remember when he first admitted he was a smoker, on our first date. He was clearly embarrassed about it, but it never really bothered me. There have been massive advantages to him giving up smoking though, not least to our bank balance and you won't believe how he did it. This guest post, in his own words, explains it all.

Monday, 27 February 2017

What to Give Up for Lent

Sweets and treats with title overlaid
I was going to write about Shrove Tuesday, as everyone loves a pancake, after all. However, I see a lot of great pancake-based posts each year so, instead, I thought I would tackle another conundrum that affects a lot of people around this time of year; what to give up for Lent. People take on this yearly challenge for different reasons. For some it's specifically a religious undertaking, to recognise and focus on the true meaning of Easter. For others it's a time to reflect on overindulgence versus the needs of others. Some simply view it as a great opportunity to detox something negative from their lives. Whatever the reason for the undertaking, the question of what to give up is an important one.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

How to Handle Trolls and How Not to Be One

This semi-ranty post covers a subject many of us are familiar with and one I have never previously given an inch of cyberspace to. This is because I have learned that when someone wants your attention and is going out of their way to get it, by being as loud and obnoxious as possible, sometimes the best thing you can do is ignore them. Not today, though, because today I am going to have my say and guess what? This is my little space, so you ain't trolling here. I  won't give unconstructive negativity any space on my blog, not even a comment. If you don't like what you read, just troll on by, since that is the polite thing to do. as if we were real people and this was real life. This is how to deal with trolls and how not to be one, unless it's one with pink hair.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Tips on Learning to Drive

Learning to drive is something most of us have to go through these days, if we want to maximise our job prospects and provide adequate taxi support for our future or current children! It's just getting harder and harder to avoid, with constant cuts to public transport and companies increasingly finding ways to outsource and amalgamate their businesses further away. Like any learning process, it's important to find the learning style that suits you. Some people learn best from practical application, where as others gain more confidence from reading and memorising. There is no right or wrong answer. Jade has recently started having lessons and these are some of the tips we came up with to try and help a bit.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Tips for Coping with Working Nights

Sunset with Title Overlayed
With jobs getting scarcer, contracts being flakier and the cost of living becoming an ever-growing struggle to meet, people are having to find smarter ways to make the most of their time. The stay-at-home parent is becoming less common as more and more people are having to juggle work and family to make ends meet. One way to hold down a job, manage a family, and earn a bit more, is to work nights. Night workers are not limited to public service professions and you don't always need to be skilled. You can often earn a premium, though, and there are benefits to your family life too. Here are my top tips for coping with working nights. 

Friday, 7 October 2016

Tips for Helping with Memory

Notebook and Boofle PenI don't really know why I have such a bad memory. I know it started around the time I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, so I guess it could be to do with that. It's a real problem, not least because no one gets it. When you say you forget things, the answer you will most often get is; 'Oh yes, me too! I have to write things down, I'd be lost without my notebook/ calendar/ organiser.'  This is a different kind of memory loss, though. The kind of memory issue I have can't be solved by writing things down, because when I forget something, I forget it ever happened. I forget I had the conversation when it was arranged. I forget the arrangement even needed to be made in the first place, and I would certainly forget if, and where, I wrote it down. If this is you, you will know how infuriating it is, but I have found some tips for helping with memory that have made things easier over the years. 

Friday, 3 June 2016

5 Ways to Get, and Stay, Motivated!

I originally started this as a post mainly aimed at other bloggers, since this is an area many of us struggle with. I blog for fun, but sometimes I can't think of anything to write, don't think anyone ever reads it and it all becomes a bit of a chore. I don't want to stop doing it, but I do want it to be something I enjoy doing, so I have to make sure I keep myself motivated and positive. It turns out, anyone can suffer from demotivation in any job. Even if you don't have a job, actually. That can be the most demotivating situation of all. So, hopefully, these ideas might provide a bit of inspiration to help you find your inner dynamo!

Monday, 25 January 2016

What's So Special About Breakfast?

Man Asleep Under a Tree with Title OverlaidI can often be found banging on about the importance of breakfast, but why is it such a big deal? The obvious answer is that you haven't provided your body with any energy or nutrients overnight. During the day, we top up fairly regularly, so those eight or so hours without food make up a substantial fast period. There are other considerations though. If you have a whole day ahead of you, at work or school, you are going to be putting demands on your body. Not just physically, but mentally too. Your brain relies on good nutrition to function, so that you don't do or say anything that makes you look daft. Also you don't want to start falling asleep somewhere inappropriate either, because you might look like a bit of a plonker!

Monday, 28 September 2015

A Beginner's Guide to Couponing

Pile of British small change coins. Couponing is actually quite easy. If you can operate a pair of scissors and a printer, you could be saving a surprising amount of money every time you shop. In the photo is the result of my coupon shop last Friday 25/09. With a recommended retail price of over £83, this shop cost me just over £23. So, I thought I would share with you some of the tricks I've learnt, as well as some of the mistakes I've made, in my efforts to save money. I hope it encourages more people to have a go and save some money, it's definitely worthwhile. Below are the facts and figures for my latest venture, but first, here are my top tips for a successful coupon shop!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

85 Reasons to Buy Avon Dry Oil Spray and a Competition

Avon Clinical Eye Lift I make no secret of the fact I am a massive fan of Avon. It's no coincidence that Avon has been selling beauty products under the brand name since 1939. Their constant innovation and quality ingredients have built a level of trust with the general public that has really stood the test of time. I grew up with it, and it is still the only brand I turn to for certain products, such as the AMAZING Clinical Eyelift, which is so much cheaper than other eyelift products and is so effective. It's great to have a product that you can use on the eyelid, especially as I get dry skin on my eyes, so I find it really soothing. It works, too, I always look more awake after I've used it. It is half price in the current catalogue, so it's a great time to invest in a pot!


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Never Kick a Gift Horse: Buying the Perfect Present

Cartoon of wrapped giftThe Art of Buying a Gift - A Guest Post by Jade 

The simple exchange of gifts between one person and another… oh, if only this were true! Everyone struggles to buy gifts for a variety of reasons. I have sorted the most common reasons into five categories below, along with some advice on how to use these reasons not to buy someone a gift to your advantage when choosing the gift.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Alternative Valentine Ideas

Drawing of confused man with Valentine's cards. It's really easy in this country to know exactly what time of year it is. You don't need a swanky organiser, a smartwatch, or even a calendar, the lovely retail industry has it covered. All you have to do is stand in the aisle of any major supermarket and all will be clear. So after, obviously, Christmas, which began in some of our local shops towards the end of September, we had the January Sales (Boxing Day) and now, we are already knee-deep in cheesy verses and tacky, cheap accessories. Oh yes, it's no good trying to hide, the marketing boffins have already got you surrounded.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Think it? Do it! Getting Motivated

Vase of White Roses
I'm talking about those little thoughts and ideas that creep into the head and settle down under a blanket of procrastination. Often, the only time we even remember these thoughts, is when we need something to blame for how unsatisfying our lives are. 'I'm so bored! If only I'd acted on that idea to start a new hobby', 'I'm so unfit! If only I had joined a gym like my brain suggested!, 'I'm worried about money! How I wish I had sorted out all my surplus stuff and had that carboot sale I was thinking about!' See? Thinking about doing something doesn't change anything. It makes you feel better for a little while, as you imagine how much brighter your life will be once all your plans are underway, but it won't last unless you act on it.
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