Tuesday 4 March 2014

Make a Peg Bag from Baby Clothes

A homemade peg bag hanging on the line I originally came up with this idea when my son was a baby. I'm not claiming credit for it, there are probably other versions out there, but it all started, when I realised he would be my last baby. And my
only boy. So, I was kind of sad about throwing out his little tiny baby clothes. There was one item in particular that I was not keen to cast out, and crammed him into it for as long as I could, and that was his very first football shirt! I wanted to hang on to it, but I didn't want it to languish in a box in the loft. So I needed something practical to turn it into, so it could be used and enjoyed! This pegbag is so easy to make, and every household needs one.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Homemade Bird Cake

I don't know why, because it still feels like the depths of an Antarctic winter to me, but our nesting box already has residents! No babies to show you yet, but above is a picture of the blue tits we had in 2009! The new arrivals this year look a little familiar and I'm pretty sure they're the same coaltits we had last year, but anyway, they were queueing up eagerly in the tree for breakfast this morning. We have had nesting birds for the last few years and the children love it. The first year we had them, they flew the nest and made their way into the world, only for the local children to keep bringing them back to us! Two little girls even knocked on our front door and asked if they could have one! It's always good to get children involved in nature and show them how precious and wonderful our world can be, but it doesn't have to cost a lot! Today, I bring you... a bird supper, on a budget!
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