Monday, 10 August 2015

Location Hunting; Richard Briers and Midsomer Murders

A Guest Post by The Husband... 

War Games, Stamp Collecting, Blogging, even Pole Dancing, most people have a passion in life and I'm no different. Mine is reading and researching. When I take an interest in something or someone, I like to find all the facts I can. My head is full of little pieces of knowledge that nobody else cares about, but they all matter to me. I know I drive my wife mad at times, when I recite an episode of Only Fools and Horses, word for word, or rattle off Dean Martin's life story but she does nod occasionally and humour me, bless her.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Win a Disney Princess Hearts and Paws Duvet Set

I saw this super-cute duvet set recently and, as I am surrounded by small boys and not one girl in sight, I thought I would buy it to giveaway as a prize for one of your little ladies instead. I hope it finds a good home. Just a straightforward Rafflecopter to enter and, as always, all UK residents are most welcome to enter. Non-compers, prolific compers, committed compers, addicted compers, compers who would enter for a used teabag, I don't care, it's a competition, enter it!! #CompersWelcome


Finding a Great Dentist for Nervous Children

Boy in Dentist Chair with Title OverlaidL, who is 9, has been struggling with severe dental phobia for most of his life and I made it my mission this year to finally tackle it, before his adult teeth started to suffer. It is actually really hard to take your little boy somewhere that you know fills him with fear and dread, to the point where even the word 'dentist' causes physical distress and tears, so I hadn't been as strict as I should have been with his six monthly check ups. I did take him, but not as often as I should. No one knows where the phobia came from, I had never expressed fear of the dentist and had taken him since he was a toddler, but it gradually got worse over time.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

6 Things Men will Never Understand about Women

A Guest Post by the Permanently Perplexed Husband, Phil

Why Does it Take Them so Long to Get Ready? 

Tell a man he's going out and he goes into a well used routine: Shower, shave and dress, quick glance in the mirror, 'Tom Cruise has got nothing on me', done. Ready to go out the door in 12 minutes, like a military operation. Two hours later he's still waiting downstairs, with thoughts like 'What are you doing up there?' and 'Why do you never make that much effort for me!'
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